Getting Started
Get to know Kuika

What is Kuika?

Kuika is a Low-code platform that will enable you to develop mobile and/or web applications. Different views such as UI Design, Datasources, Process Automation, Email Builder, Report Designer, Scheduled Jobs, API Builder and Configuration Manager and Helpdesk are offered by Kuika to help you in the development process.

What is Kuika?

Using Kuika Low-code Platform;

  • It can develop fast applications with drag and drop elements, parametric selections and edits without the need to write code other than SQL queries,
  • It can develop low-code applications for web, iOS and Android with only SQL query language without requiring knowledge of many software languages,
  • With minimum coding, it can encounter far fewer bugs/errors than traditional software development processes,
  • Up to 20 times faster development process can save cost and time,
  • You can create your application in a scalable structure with new features and scope expansions,
  • With up-to-date technologies, you can create applications that have reached software standards as if they were created by a professional software developer.

During the development process, you can make the front-end and back-end development of your application completely and on a single platform through UI Design, Datasources, Process Automation, Email Builder, Report Designer, ScheduledJobs, API Builder, Configuration Manager and Helpdesk view modes.

  • UI Design (You can design interface with drag-and-drop elements.)
  • Datasources (You can add and manage data sources (ManagedDB, MSSQL, Open/Rest/Swagger API, C#) to the application).
  • Email Builder (You can create e-mail designs to be sent to the users of the application you developed).
  • Report Designer (You can design Report in web applications)
  • Scheduled Jobs (You can add repetitive/planned tasks).
  • Process Automation (You can add process automations to your application).
  • API Builder (You can turn the application you have developed into a data source and integrate it into different applications).
  • Configuration Manager (You can create setting profiles to be used when the application you developed is generated as Web, iOS and Android).
  • Helpdesk (When you need help, you can use the Helpdesk view in the Platform).

You will be using an all-in-one application development platform with view modes.

ManagedDB is a database that you can manage for each workspace on the platform. You can use multiple MSSQL, Swagger API or Rest API and C# in the application you create.

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