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Apple Sign In

Apple Sign In

In the iOS applications you develop in Kuika, you can enable users to create and log in to your application with an Apple account.

In order to perform user login operations with Apple account, you need to perform some operations in Configuration Manager view mode and in your Apple Developer account.

For Apple Sign In operations, you must first create a developer account at

After creating a developer account, you should click on the Identifiers button on the Apple Developer page.

Open the Key screen from the left area on the Identifiers screen. On this screen, you can use the Key you have already created or click the Create a new Key button. On the screen that opens, you can create a new Key with Apple With Sign as one Identifier. The P8 file of the created Key is created once and can be downloaded. Therefore, you need to use the P8 file.

The file name of the downloaded P8 file should not be changed.

The created Team ID is located in the Identifiers field. Like Team ID, Kuika will be used in Config settings.

To enable user account creation and user login with Apple in the applications you develop in Kuika, open the Configuration Manager view mode. Then select the IOS category and activate the Support IOS UI Switch.

Click the drop-down menu opposite Configuration under the Apple Sign In Settings section.

Open the Apple sign in setting modal screen by clicking ADD NEW in the drop-down menu.

On the modal screen titled Apple sign in setting, you must fill in the requested information.

  • Name : Name the Apple sign in setting via the Name field.
  • Team ID : Team ID is a unique identification number issued to you by Apple. This ID is unique to your developer account and is used when developing your apps and accessing Apple's servers.

You can find your Team ID by logging in to your Apple Developer account or in the Keys field in the Apple Developer portal.

When you click on the Choose field, you can upload the P8 file you created in Apple Developer and click on the CREATE button to complete the Apple Sign In process.

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