
Mixed Chart

Mixed Chart

Kuika's Mixed Chart element allows you to visually represent different types of data on the same chart. This chart type combines multiple chart types (for example, bar chart and line chart) on a single chart, allowing you to present complex data sets in a more comprehensive way. The Mixed Chart element is particularly useful when you want to compare multiple data sets and show trends and distributions at the same time. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Mixed Chart element, how to structure your data, and how to customize visual arrangements.

Mixed Chart element supports web and mobile applications.

This course content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Mixed Chart element,
  2. Mixed Chart element properties
  3. Characteristics of the Mixed Chart element Point
  4. Characteristics of the Mixed Chart element Line,
  5. Authorization,
  6. Visibility,
  7. Editability,
  8. Customize the interface design with Style Panel.


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