Learn the app development process

Edit user permission (Permisson text) messages

Edit user permission (Permisson text) messages

If the application you developed has Camera usage, Location/Geolocation access and Notification sending functions, you need to ask for these functions from the application end users. At this point, you should explain in detail how and why these permissions will be obtained in the Permission Labels section in the configuration settings.

  • To fill in this information, click the drop-down menu opposite the Permission Labels heading on the Web, iOS and Android configuration screens.
  • Click ADD NEW in the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the permit title and content information in the Modal screen.

The language options in your application will appear on this screen. You should prepare permission content suitable for the languages that the application has.

  • After entering the permission content in the relevant language for all the languages in your application, create the permission by clicking the CREATE button.
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