


Stopwatch is usually a Display element that allows the user to measure and track a certain amount of time. You can think of this element as a stopwatch that you will use within the application.

The Stopwatch element usually has basic functions such as start, pause and reset. Within an application, it helps the user to keep track of the time elapsed during a particular activity or period of time. For example, in a sports app the user can track their running time, or in a kitchen app they can check the cooking time by measuring a timer. Or the Stopwatch element can be used to determine the time an employee spends on a task.

The Stopwatch element has the following basic features:

  • Start/Pause:

The user clicks the green triangular icon to start the measurement and the corresponding orange icon to pause it.

  • Reset:

The user clicks on the red square icon to reset the time.

  • Time Display:

This element, called a number or indicator that shows the user the elapsed time, often comes with user interaction. App developers can be used to integrate such elements that allow users to track a certain amount of time directly within the app.


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