


Kuika's Panel element is used to group and organize content in the user interface. By keeping different UI elements together, the panel presents the user with the information they need to focus on a specific section. It ensures that content is presented in an organized and understandable way, which improves the user experience. You can also increase the functionality of the app by switching between panels. You can use the panel element to create cards with dynamic backgrounds, page layouts, sections and more. For example, in a weather app, you can show an image based on location and weather conditions, or use the Panel element as an indicator in a list. You can also add a Row element within the Panel element to organize more complex and multi-layered content, allowing you to create flexible and functional designs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to group and organize content in the user interface using the Panel element.

The Panel element has the following functions:

  • Content Grouping: Used to group and organize a specific type of content, providing the user with a more organized interface.
  • Display Area: Panels can be used to show specific information or functionality within a particular screen or region. They are especially ideal for efficiently presenting more content in a smaller space.
  • Customization and Style: Panels can be customized in terms of design and style, so they can be designed to match the overall aesthetics and functionality of the user interface.

The panel element supports web and mobile applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a panel element,
  2. Panel element properties,
  3. Authorization,
  4. Visibility,
  5. Editability,
  6. Customize the interface design with Style Panel,
  7. Actions.


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