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Multiply your Low-Code Speed with Artificial Intelligence

Increase your app development speed in Kuika with the AI assistant.
Multiply your Low-Code Speed with Artificial Intelligence

With the artificial intelligence assistant in Kuika, you can increase your Low-code development speed even more. An important update was realized in the field of artificial intelligence within the platform and ChatGPT-4 integration is now available. AI assistants are applications that have the ability to process natural language, understand voice commands and perform related tasks in line with the commands.

With ChatGPT-4, the AI assistant in Kuika allows you to quickly develop your applications with richer functionality.

Here are some of the things you can do with the artificial intelligence assistant in Kuika;

  1. Do you need data tables for your application? Speed up your data table creation process with AI.
  2. Do you need SQL queries? Enrich the functionality of your application by generating queries quickly and easily with the artificial intelligence assistant in SQL editor.
  3. Want to enrich the functionality of your C# application? Enter Prompt into your AI assistant and it will easily generate ready-to-use C# code for you.
  4. Need new images for the image library? Just ask and the AI assistant will generate original images.
  5. Do you need different and rich email content for different audiences? Create email content for different audiences in seconds with Kuika AI assistant.

With the ChatGPT-4 integration, the artificial intelligence assistant supports you in a more powerful and effective way, making your development processes more efficient.

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