
By enrolling in the courses and developing your creativity and skills, you can seize the opportunity to be one of the pioneers of digital transformation.

Start with video courses



The Designer role, which you have at the end of the Designer courses, enables you to analyse the design needs of applications during the low-code application development process with Kuika. Designer designs rich interfaces for both Responsive Web and Mobile applications by prioritising the user experience. By prototyping the designed interfaces, it realises e-mail and report designs in accordance with the requirements of the project.


The Builder role, which you have at the end of the Builder courses, enables you to realize the prepared interface designs from a technical point of view during the low-code application development process with Kuika. Builder analyses the technical needs in detail and develops the relevant data structures and functions. In order to add value to the application development process, it connects to external data sources, creates artificial intelligence-supported actions, plans scheduled jobs and designs process automations.

Low code's vision for the future 
of application development

Low-code application development platforms will continue to innovatively change the dynamics of the business world by accelerating software development processes and requiring less technical knowledge. According to Gartner's forecasts, by 2025, the vast majority of new applications will be developed using low-code platforms, which will enable digital transformation of organisations more quickly and efficiently. In addition, low-code will increase the collaboration of business users and developers, enabling more innovative and customised solutions to emerge.

Test and certify your knowledge.