UI Design

Audit: A Powerful Tool to Improve the Quality of Your Application

Audit: A Powerful Tool to Improve the Quality of Your Application

The Audit Panel offered by the Kuika platform is a powerful tool designed to improve the quality and perfect the user experience in the applications you develop. Throughout the development process, it carefully monitors the operations you perform on your projects or screens and checks their accuracy. This way, potential errors that may occur at every stage of your application are immediately detected and suggestions for correction are offered. When your goal is to create an error-free user experience, the Audit Panel provides you with great convenience. In this tutorial, you will learn how to control the operations you perform with the Audit panel.

Audit Panel Usage

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Then click on the “UI Design” module.
  3. The Audit Panel at the bottom left of the UI Design module is organized in two main sections for efficient use: Project and Screen. In this way, every detail can be monitored in detail, even in large projects.
    • The Project section provides an overview of the entire project.
    • The Screen section makes more specific determinations by analyzing each screen individually. Both structures offer different levels of control, allowing you to meticulously review every aspect of your application.

Errors list all changes, omissions and errors detected by the platform. The information in this section is very useful for quickly seeing and understanding the problems encountered in your app. Also, each bug is detailed in such a way that developers can easily access suggested solutions. Clicking on an error also provides explanations and examples based on the error type.

The Run Verification section provides practical suggestions for solving the bugs and shortcomings you find. This section provides step-by-step guides and tips on how to fix bugs and make improvements. These suggestions are designed to be both developer and user friendly, allowing you to apply any fixes quickly and efficiently.

      4. Click on the three dots next to Run Verification or Error to enable checks.

Audit Panel's recommendations are not only limited to fixing bugs, but also help you make continuous improvements to ensure the performance, efficiency and user-friendliness of your application. The Audit Panel not only detects bugs, but also enables you to understand the causes of those bugs and develop more robust, more reliable applications.

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