You can display and use the map in Web and Mobile applications. In the Web and Android applications you develop, Google Maps is displayed on Google Maps, and in iOS applications, Apple Map is displayed on Apple Map. After adding the Maps element to your application, you should set the Google Maps API connection via Configuration Manager.
Add the Maps element from the Elements panel with drag and drop on the screen. If you drag it to an empty area on the screen, it will be added with the Row element. If you drag it into a Column, you will only add the Maps element.
The Maps element consists of MapsMarker and Maps MarkerPopUp. Both structures can be considered as Containers. You can select the element you want to add and drag and drop it into MapsMarker or MapsMarkerPopUp. Complex content can be prepared especially in Location pop-up. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.
To view the properties of the Maps element, select the Maps element you added to the workspace.
With the Properties panel on the right edge;
You can make the edits you need from the headings.
After placing the map in the workspace, it is necessary to create a Datasource for the Maps element.
Datasources: It allows you to select the data table of the locations to be shown in the map.
Open the Datasources module. Select the Add button (+) Rest APIon the top edge of the left panel and create it by giving it a name. Then enter the Service Base URLyou want to use. Finally, enter values for how you want the API Service to be terminated. To display the pins on the map, enter /pins and getPins in the API Endpoint section.
Get is used to list and display data in the API Service.
After the data source connection is made, actions should be added for Backend/API. Select Custom > GoogleMaps > GetPinsFromGoogleMaps custom action from the drop-down list with Add Actions in Properties panel.
Setting the action: After adding the actions, a final adjustment should be made in Properties > Datasources and a small adjustment should be made as follows.
Show Circle Center: It is used to show the center of the specified Radius value. If Radius is not specified, this feature is not available.
Auto Center: Allows you to specify the location you want to show fixed on the map. No matter where you go on the map, no matter how much you zoom in or out on the map, you can set the location to be opened when Auto Center is clicked with this parameter.
Latitude: This is the field where the central latitude value is given at the map opening. It can be static or dynamic, such as the value of an element or the result of an action with Symbol Picker.
Longitude: This is the field where the central longitude value at the map opening is entered. It can be static or it can take dynamic values such as the value of an element and the result of an action with Symbol Picker.
By entering latitude and longitude, the user specifies which coordinate the map will be centered at the first opening of the map.
First, go to Google Maps in your browser. Select the desired location or area on the map and right-click. In the window that opens, you will find latitude and longitude in decimal format at the top. To copy the coordinates automatically, left-click on the latitude and longitude values. The values will be copied.
It is not recommended to use latitude and longitude values taken from a URL because they may be inaccurate.
Circle Radius In Km: A circle is created with the given diameter size on the map. This is the section where the circular diameter value of the area whose data will be displayed is entered. You can specify the diameter of the search area in kilometers.
Group Picker Icon: You can customize the icon where the icons are displayed one by one when zoomed in the application you have developed, and when zoomed out, they are grouped and turned into a single pin icon.
Group Picker Color: Determines the color of the markers in the same group on the map. With the Group Picker Color feature, you can easily distinguish markers in the same group.
Keep Center On Zoom: As the user scrolls in the Map, the center changes. This center is automatically selected and the event is called again.
Marker Pop-up On Width: Allows you to control whether the marker pop-up will be active when the map width reaches a certain size (For example, pop-ups appear if the map width is more than 600 pixels).
Selected Location Icon: Allows you to set the icon for the location you have selected on the map. You can use a custom icon to visually highlight the selected location.
Selected Location Color: You can set the color of the location you have selected on the map with the Selected Location Color feature.
Current Location Icon: Allows you to show the current location on the map with a custom icon.
Current Location Color: Allows you to customize the color of the current location on the map.
You can customize user access with “Anonymous Access” and “All Roles Access” authorization options on the screens and elements of your application. While “Anonymous Access” enables access without any account information query, “All Roles Access” enables access by verifying user account information.
For element level authorization, you can manage the security and user experience of your application by selecting the relevant element and editing the “Authorization” settings from the Properties panel.
These methods allow you to create a personalized and secure environment in your app.
This is where the visibility of screens or elements is set. Visibility in Elements allows you to regulate visibility based on a specific state and/or condition. For each element, you can make it always visible, hidden, or visible and hidden depending on a condition.
This is the section where the visibility structure of your screen is set. Kuika offers Always Visible, Hidden, Sometimes Visible options to control the visibility of the screens in your application.
You can follow the steps below to adjust Visibility settings in elements or on your screen:
The visibility of the element will be adjusted according to the selection you have made.
Kuika contains system actions such as Arithmetic, Authorization, Condition, Device, Export, GeoLocation, Local Storage, Multi Language, Navigation, Notification, Payment Stripe, UI Control, Trigger, Process Automation, Process Administration and String Operations.
In addition to system actions, you can also use SQL actions that you create yourself.
You can use the +Add Action button in the Properties panel to add actions to the elements.
By customizing your elements with the Styling Panel, you can create unique and compelling user interfaces in your web and mobile applications. This general guide explains how to customize various elements (for example, Collapse) and provides detailed information on common features.
The sections defined below vary on an element-specific basis. To learn more about each customization option, please click on the respective links.
This is where you can make visual adjustments to elements, such as sizing, alignment, and padding. These settings also affect the layout of other elements within the element. Properties include Size, Min Size and Align; however, some elements may not support the Display property.
The element's text properties can be edited here through font family, style, color, size, spacing and other options. This section supports all Text related adjustments.
You can use the Fill setting to customize the element's background with color or images. This increases the visual appeal of the element.
You can give your elements a more aesthetic look by adding borders and adjusting corner radii.
You can add a shadow effect to elements used in web applications to give a sense of depth. However, some elements are not suitable for mobile apps, so the shadow feature may not be supported.