Kuika's Scheduled Jobs module enables scheduling and automatic execution of specific tasks in mobile and web application development processes. Scheduled jobs optimize time management and increase workforce productivity by ensuring that repetitive tasks are run at regular intervals. It allows you to automate specific actions on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis, thus eliminating the need for manual intervention. The Scheduled Jobs module allows you to perform various functions within the application in a timely manner, such as reporting, sending notifications, payment processing, exporting data and more. It also automates data collection and analysis processes by scheduling system-related actions, such as getting device information or querying vehicle statuses. In this course, you will learn in detail how to schedule specific jobs with the Scheduled Jobs module, how to set intervals, and how to add and run different actions.
Scheduled Jobs supports mobile and web applications.
Scheduled Job creation,
Configure Scheduled Jobs settings,
System actions in the Scheduled Jobs module.
Create Scheduled Jobs
After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
Then click on the “Scheduled Jobs” module.
Give it a name (1) and click on the “CREATE” button (2).
Previously created Scheduled Jobs definitions are listed on the left side. You can create a new Scheduled Jobs with the + icon next to the panel title.
Configure Scheduled Jobs Settings
Scheduled Jobs are sub-tabbed into Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Hours, Days, Days, Months and Years. The tabs determine in which time zone the actions will run. It also provides a more detailed structure with Result and Time Zone parameters.
Result: Allows you to view the success status, output information or error messages of scheduled jobs. It helps you keep track of whether the job has been completed correctly.
Time Zone: Determines the time zone in which tasks will run. The Time Zone parameter makes it easier to set the right schedule for international projects or for different regions.
Thanks to these parameters, scheduled jobs become more flexible and convenient, making it possible to run them in the right time zone and check the results.
Second (Seconds)
Second allows you to schedule your actions in seconds.
Every second: The action is executed every second.
Every .... second(s) starting at second .... : Actions are executed at the interval of seconds you specify, starting from the start second you specify. For example, it can be set to “every 5 seconds, starting at the 3rd second”.
Specific second (choose one or many): Actions are executed for specific seconds.
Every second between second .... and second ....: Every second the actions added in the specified value range are executed.
Minutes allows actions to be scheduled by the minute.
Every minute: The action is executed at the beginning of every minute.
Every .... minute(s) starting at minute .... : Actions are executed at specific minute intervals starting from the start minute you specify. For example, if you specify “every 5 minutes starting at minute 3”, system actions are expected to run every five minutes starting from minute 3.
Specific minute (choose one or many): Actions are executed in certain minutes.
Every minute between minute .... and minute....: Every minute the actions added in the specified value range are executed.
Hours allow actions to be scheduled on an hourly basis.
Every hour: The action is executed at the beginning of every hour.
Every .... hour(s) starting at hour .... : Actions are executed at specific time intervals starting from the time you specify. For example, when the value is given as “every 5 hours starting at hour 3”, the system actions are expected to run every five hours starting from hour 3 in line with the time schedule.
Specific hour (choose one or many): Actions are executed at certain times.
Every hour between hour.... and hour.... : This is the section where the actions added in the value range determined every hour are planned to be executed.
Day allows actions to be planned by day.
Every .... day(s) starting at day.... : This is the part where actions are scheduled to be repeated every certain day starting from the specified start day. For example, when entered as “every 5 days starting at day 3”, actions are scheduled to run every 5 days starting from day 3.
Every .... day(s) starting on the ...st of the month: This is the part where the actions to be repeated at the intervals entered starting from the specified day of each month are scheduled. For example, when set to “Every 5 day(s) starting on the 2nd of the month”, actions will run every 5 days starting on the 2nd day of the month.
Specific day (choose one or many): This is the section where you can select the specific days on which the actions will run. With this option, special day planning can be made.
Every day between day.... and day.... : This is the part that allows the actions to run every day in the specified day range. For example, when set as “day 1 to day 10”, actions will run every day from the 1st to the 10th of the month.
Specific day of the month (choose one or many): This is the part where the days when the actions will run on certain days of the month are selected.
On the last day of the month: Option to run actions on the last day of the month.
On the last weekday of the month: The option to run the actions on one of the weekdays in the last week of the month.
On the last Sunday of the month: The option that makes the actions run on the last Sunday of the month.
...day(s) before the end of the month: Allows actions to run on a specific day before the end of the month. For example, when “13 days before the end of the month” is selected, actions will run 13 days before the end of the month.
Nearest weekday (Monday to Friday) to the 1st of the month: This option allows actions to run on the weekday closest to the 1st of the month.
On the 1st Monday of the month: Allows actions to run on a specific day of the week, such as the first Monday of the month.
Month allows actions to be scheduled on a month basis.
Every month: The action is executed every month.
Every .... month(s) starting at month .... : Actions are executed at specific month intervals starting from the specified month. For example, when values such as “every 5 months starting at month 3” are given, system actions are expected to run every five months starting from the 3rd month in line with the time planning.
Specific month (choose one or many): Actions are executed in certain months.
Every month between month ...... and month ...: System actions are planned to run between the months entered.
Year allows actions to be planned on a yearly basis.
Every year: The action is executed every year.
Every .... year(s) starting at year .... : Actions are executed with the year interval you specify. For example, when values such as “every 5 years starting at year 3” are given, system actions are expected to run every five years starting from year 3 in line with the time schedule.
Specific year (choose one or many): Actions are executed in certain years.
Every year between year...... and year...: Work planning of system actions is made between the years entered.
Learn System Actions in Scheduled Jobs Module
Scheduled Jobs enable the scheduling of certain actions on the Kuika platform. These actions are usually grouped into the following categories:
If you want to download a report on a specific day each year, you can select the Download Report action by entering the Scheduled Jobs settings and schedule on a yearly basis.
Data Export (Export - Export Excel):
If you want the data to be exported to an Excel file every month, you can set the Export Excel action to run every month in the Month tab.
Vehicle Status (Invers - Get Car Info):
In cases where you need to get vehicle information every month, you can create the Invers Get Car Info action and schedule it for a specific day of each month on the Day tab.
To ensure that users pay every month, you can schedule to receive payment by Month using the Charge Payment Method action.
Send Notification (Notification - Send Mail):
If you need to send a weekly email to users on a certain day each week, you can select the Send Mail action in the Scheduled Jobs module and schedule it to be sent at a certain time, for example every Monday, by setting it in the Weekly tab. In this way, you can automate regular notifications or reminders.
Send Push Notification (Notification - Send Push Notification): If you want to send notifications to users at a specific time every day, you can select the Send Push Notification action and set it to run at a specific time every day in the Daily tab. In this way, you can ensure that users are notified or receive reminders on a daily basis.