UI Design
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Kuika's Color feature enables effective management of colors in digital design processes. This tool speeds up the design process with functions such as color selection, editing, saving and transparency settings.

1. Hue, Saturation, Brightness

  • Hue (Color Tone): Refers to basic colors such as red, blue, green. Hue determines the type of color.
  • Saturation: Indicates the level of vibrancy and purity of the color. High saturation provides vibrant colors, while low saturation provides paler colors.
  • Brightness: Determines the lightness and darkness of the color.

2. RGB Color Model

  • Basic Colors: Red, Green and Blue.
  • Mixture: RGB values in different ratios create a wide range of colors.

3. Hex Codes

  • They are 6-character codes used to identify colors. For example, pure red color #FF0000.

4. Saved Color

  • Add New Color: You can add a color by clicking the + icon.
  • List View: Colors can be displayed as a list or grid.
  • Delete Color: You can delete a color by clicking on the trash can icon.

5. Alpha Channel

  • Alpha Value: The closer to zero, the more transparent the color. The maximum value provides a completely opaque color.

6. Color Combinations

  • Monochromatic: The use of light and dark shades of the same color. Provides a minimalist and elegant look.
  • Analogous (Similar Colors): Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Offers soft and balanced designs.
  • Complementary: Two opposite colors are used. Provides a vibrant and remarkable harmony.
  • Triadic: Striking designs are achieved with three colors that are equidistant on the color wheel.
  • Split Complementary: Instead of the complementary color opposite the base color, the two colors next to it are used.
  • Double Complementary: Two pairs of contrasting color combinations are used.

7. Web-Safe Colors

  • It is a set of 216 colors that appear stable, consistent and flicker-free on every device. Guarantees color compatibility in web projects.


Kuika's Color feature helps you create harmonious and expressive designs for your projects, both visually and functionally.

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