You can use Kuika's Configuration Manager module to configure the definitions to be used during the creation of the application you are developing, preview, test and publish the application. In this training content, you will learn how to configure the definitions to be used during the creation of the application through the Configuration Manager module.
This training content consists of the following topics:
Anatomy of the Configuration Manager module,
Adding configurations to your application,
Anatomy of the App Settings modal,
Configuring your app through App Settings.
Anatomy of the Configuration Manager Module
When you switch to the “Configuration Manager” module on the Kuika platform, you will see the configuration creation screen.
Let's examine the sections in the Configuration Manager module.
A. Left Panel
From the left panel you can access the main page or different projects, add new configurations or manage the configurations of your existing projects.
1. Configuration +: This is the area where you can add a new configuration.
2. Project / Global: The"Project" tab lists configurations that are specific to the open application. The “Global”tab lists the configurations that have been added with Configuration Manager on the Apps screen and are available across the workspace. You can access our Global Configuration content from the link.
B. Configuration Management Area
You can create and test new configurations through the configuration management area.
3. Name: This is the field where you can name your configuration.
4. CREATE: Allows you to create a new configuration.
5. Download: Allows you to download the configuration you created.
6. RUN: Allows you to test your configuration.
C. Right Panel
Through the documentation panel, you can access content on how to configure your configurations in web and mobile apps.
Add Configuration to Your App
To create a new configuration:
After logging in to the Kuika platform, open the Mobile project you will work with from the “Apps” screen.
Then click on the “Configuration Manager” module.
From the screen that opens, give the configuration a name (1) and click the “CREATE” (2) button.
Anatomy of App Settings Module
To preview and publish an application developed in Kuika, you need an App Settings configuration.
Let's examine the sections of the App Settings modal for your configuration.
A. Namespace
From this section you can change the name you give to your configuration and save it.
B. App Settings Configuration Area
In this section you can change the name you have given to your configuration and save it.
CONNECTION SETTINGS: Configuration information that shows how you can connect your application's database to an API or other service.
DB connection string: A string containing the information needed to connect to your application's database. It usually contains the server address, database name, username and password.
Backend URL : The URL used to access the backend services of your application.
Backend URL settings accept “IP” and “Port” information.
WORKFLOW : If you use the WF feature within an application on your device, Workflow Engine will be activated as a separate service.
Engine Base URL: The base URL used to access your application's API.
Mail Provider: Used for sending or receiving emails from within the application.
Workflow Engine Connection String: This is the field where you will enter the connection string to integrate your application with Workflow Engine.
SEARCH SERVICE: A service used for data search and management operations in your applications.
Name: The name specified for the created configuration.
Base URL: The base URL that allows connection to the search service. It allows the application to send search queries through the Search Service API and get results.
Vector Database Service Port: The port number used by the vector-based database service. It is used to perform similarity-based searches (e.g. text-based searches, etc.) on large and complex datasets.
Python Service Port: The port number used by the python service that enables the search service to communicate with the vector database. It allows operations such as adding resources and searching to be performed.
Storage Path: Specifies the directory where the data of the search service is stored. It is where the indexes and results related to the search are stored.
AUTHENTICATION & AUTHORIZATION: The authentication and authorization field determines whether you are allowed to access certain resources or processes after you authenticate by entering a username and password.
Password Policy: Allows you to set the length, complexity and frequency of changing your password.
Google: Allows you to sign in to third-party applications using your Google accounts.
Facebook: Allows you to log in to your app with your Facebook accounts.
MSAL: Allows you to authenticate with Microsoft accounts.
OTP: It is a one-time password and is used in two-factor authentication processes.
2F Auth: When you activate the switch, the authentication process becomes two-factor. The first step is usually a password and the second step is the OTP security code.
2 Auth Duration: The validity period of the OTP or security code, which is the second step in the two-factor authentication process. It authenticates with SMS every 15 days.
NOTIFY ACTIONS: Allows you to manage email notifications or other types of alerts in your app with specific durations. It includes the display time and configuration of each type of notification.
Name:The name given for the notification. For example, the title or type of notification shown to the user can be specified here.
Default Duration: By default, this determines how long notifications are displayed on the screen.
Success Duration:Specifies the length of time that notifications remain on the screen after successfully completed transactions. For example, if the user performed an action and it was successful, the notification will appear on the screen for this duration.
Info Duration: Duration of notifications shown for informational purposes. It is used to inform about developments in the system or important information.
Warning Duration: Determines how long warning messages will be displayed.
Error Duration: Specifies the duration for which error messages are displayed.
MAIL / PROVIDER: Provides infrastructure for sending, receiving, storing and managing email.
PAYMENT METHOD: Allows you to specify the method that can be used to pay for a product or service within your app.
Stripe: Payment processing platform that you can use to process online payment transactions.
Iyzico: A payment processing platform based in Turkey that makes it easy to manage online payments.
Param: Offers a variety of payment methods for e-commerce sites, mobile apps and other digital platforms.
INVERS CLOUDBOXX: Cloud-based management and automation platform. You can define configuration for Invers Cloudboxx.
FILE UPLOAD PATH: Specifies the directory or path where the uploaded files will be stored during a file upload operation.
Name: This is the field to enter the name that identifies the files to be uploaded.
File Upload Path: Specifies the directory in which the uploaded files will be stored on the server. For example, a path such as /upload/user_documents/ can be specified for uploaded documents.
10. GOOGLE RECAPTCHA: A security service used to prevent unwanted activity in your app, such as spam and abuse. For more information, please visit Google Cloud:
Name: The name set for the ReCaptcha configuration.
Site Key: The public key used for ReCaptcha to work in your application.
Secret Key: The private key used on the server side for ReCaptcha verification.
11. WHATSAPP BUSINESS: WhatsApp Business API is a service that enables businesses to communicate more efficiently with their customers. The following configuration information is required to correctly integrate the API and manage messaging flows through WhatsApp. You can visit the Facebook for Developers platform to access the necessary information:
Then enter the following information in the WhatsApp Business field in the App Settings area:
Name: The name given to the WhatsApp Business account.
Account ID: The unique ID number that identifies your WhatsApp Business account. It must be the same for all WhatsApp configurations.
App ID: The unique ID of the app created through Facebook Business and used to access the API.
App Secret: A secret key used to secure your Facebook app.
Access Token: The verification key used to access the WhatsApp API. It can be purchased for a period of time or indefinitely. If it is received for a period of time, when it expires, messages cannot be sent through the application created with Kuika.
Phone Number ID: The unique identification number of the phone number linked to your WhatsApp Business account.
Version Number: The number indicating which version of the WhatsApp Business API is being used. It is important for compatibility with the current version.
Message Sending and Template Usage:
A message template is created on WhatsApp Dashboard and WhatsApp approval is obtained.
Template example:
Title: “About Offer Status”
Message: "Congratulations! Your process has been concluded positively. Please select one of the buttons below to indicate whether you accept or reject our offer."
Buttons: “Accept”, “Decline”
Approved templates are sent with the Send WhatsApp Business Message action on Kuika. For detailed information, you can review our related content.
Template Types: The parameters of the templates used for WhatsApp messages are selected when they are created on Facebook. These parameters come to Kuika automatically and can be set here and the message can be sent.
Buttoned Templates: Only available for steps with external assignment.
Templates without buttons: Can be used in every step of the process.
Kuika currently only supports Quick Reply buttons. Other button types are not available.
Quick Reply Usage:
Buttons used to advance the process must be of Quick Reply (custom) type.
Each button must be mapped to a mail interaction.
C. Save & Cancel Area
From this field, you can cancel your configuration settings with the “CANCEL” button or save them with the “SAVE” button.
D. Note Field
This is where you can take notes for your configuration settings.
Configure your app through App Settings
An App Settings configuration is needed to preview and publish an application developed in Kuika.
The App Settings modal view differs for web and mobile applications. In the App Settings modal, there are App Settings and Web tabs for your web applications, while there are App Settings, iOS, Android and Web tabs for your mobile applications.
Configure Your Web Apps
You can configure the settings you need using the Configuration Manager module for the Web application you have developed.
After logging in to Kuika platform, open your Web project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
Click on the “Configuration Manager” module and create a configuration.
Click on the "Web" tab from the App Settings modal.
You can configure the following fields from the Web modal:
HOST SETTINGS: Determines how a service or application will run and interact with other devices.
SESSIONS: Allows you to set the session timeout period of the web app for the end users of your app.
GOOGLE MAPS: If a web application you have developed uses maps, you can create map settings and enter the necessary information for the map.
Finally, click the "SAVE" button to save the configuration settings of your application.
You can test and publish the web application you have developed by making the necessary adjustments in the Web tab through the Configuration Manager module.
Configure Your iOS Applications
You can configure the settings you need using the Configuration Manager module for the iOS application you have developed.
After logging in to Kuika platform, open your Mobile project from the “Apps” screen.
Click on the “Configuration Manager” module and create a configuration.
Click on the “iOS” tab from the App Settings modal.
You can configure the following fields from the iOS modal:
MOBILE APP SETTINGS: This is the field where you will enter the application name, Bundle ID and application version information that you will use in Apple App Store.
APPLE SIGN IN SETTINGS: You can sign in with your Apple accounts by making configuration settings in the applications you develop.
APP STORE SETTINGS: You can make App Store settings to connect the application you developed with AppMachine.
FIREBASE SETTINGS: You can integrate the services and features offered by the Firebase platform into your application.
GEOLOCATION: You can define the location information permission you will use in your app.
CAMERA: You can define the camera usage permission text to be shown to end users.
BLUETOOTH: You can define the Bluetooth permission text to be shown to end users.
PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: You can define the permission text to be shown to end users to send push notifications.
GPS TRACKER: You can set the GPS tracking function that you use in your application.
Finally, click the “SAVE” button to save the configuration settings of your application.
You can test and publish the mobile application you have developed by making the necessary adjustments in the iOS tab through the Configuration Manager module.
Configure Your Android Apps
You can configure the settings you need using the Configuration Manager module for the Android application you have developed.
After logging in to Kuika platform, open your Mobile project from the “Apps” screen.
Click on the “Configuration Manager” module and create a configuration.
Click on the “Android” tab from the App Settings modal.
You can configure the following fields from the Android modal:some text
MOBILE APP SETTINGS: This is the field where you will enter the application name, Bundle ID, application version information and minimum Android version that you will use in Play Store.
PLAY STORE SETTINGS: You can configure the application you developed to connect it to the Play Store.
MAPS: If the Android application you developed uses maps, you can create map settings and enter the necessary information.
GEOLOCATION: You can define the location information permission you will use in your application.
CAMERA: You can define the camera usage permission text to be shown to end users.
BLUETOOTH: You can define the Bluetooth permission text to be shown to end users.
PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: You can define the permission text to be shown to end users to send push notifications.
GPS TRACKER: You can set the GPS tracking function that you use in your application.
Finally, click the “SAVE” button to save the configuration settings of your application.
You can test and publish the mobile application you have developed by making the necessary adjustments in the Android tab through the Configuration Manager module.