Text Input

MD Editor

MD Editor

Kuika's MD Editor element is used in areas of your application where rich text input is desired, giving users the ability to format and edit their text without using complex markup languages or editors. The MD Editor element supports the Markdown format and provides a variety of editing features such as formatting text, adding headings, creating lists, and adding links. Content added with this element can be displayed formatted in your application through the MD Viewer element. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MD Editor element and how to configure text editing in Markdown format.

The MD Editor element only supports web applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding the MD Editor element,
  2. MD Editor element properties,
  3. Authorization,
  4. Visibility,
  5. Editability,
  6. Customize the interface design with Style Panel,
  7. Actions.


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