Select Input

Text Input

Text Input

Kuika's Text Input element allows users to enter text in your application. The Text Input element can be used with various validation and formatting features to ensure the accuracy of the data entered by users. When users do not enter text in this field, they can see a specific placeholder text and use the “Delete” icon on the right margin to clear the entry. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Text Input element and how to configure the properties for text input.

The Text Input element supports web and mobile applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Text Input element,
  2. Text Input element properties,
  3. Masking in Text Input element,
  4. Authorization,
  5. Visibility,
  6. Editability,
  7. Customize the interface design with Style Panel,
  8. Actions.


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