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For the Web applications you develop in Kuika, you can manage user session open times. You can set the timeout time of users' sessions and the countdown time for logging out.

  • Open Config Manager view mode to make the necessary settings for managing sessions in web applications.
  • If you have already created a Web configuration, open it by clicking on the relevant configuration in the left panel. If you do not have a previous configuration, create a new one.
  • On the configuration screen, point to the Web tab and turn it on via Switch.
  • Then go to the SESSIONS section on the Web configuration screen.
  • In the Sessions section, first determine how many minutes a user session will time out, entering it in minutes in the field opposite the Timeout heading.
  • Then, if you want to show the user that the session will end with a countdown, complete the session management settings by entering the number of seconds before the timeout in the field opposite Logout Countdown in seconds.
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