Data Sources

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Adding a Data Source User Guide

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Adding a Data Source User Guide

MQTT is one of the external communication protocols you can use on the Kuika platform. You can quickly integrate your existing MQTT infrastructure into the application you develop in Kuika. MQTT is a lightweight protocol that is especially ideal for IoT (Internet of Things) applications and stands out with its low bandwidth requirement. Using MQTT, you can ensure fast and reliable data flow between devices. In this course, you will learn how to integrate MQTT into your applications and how to make data communication efficient.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a data source connection to your application with MQTT,
  2. Create a HiveMQ Cloud membership,
  3. MQTT features,
  4. Configure MQTT connection settings,
  5. Adding MQTT Subscribe operation on page launch.


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