System Actions
Authorization Action

Getting Started with Authorization Actions

Getting Started with Authorization Actions

Authorization actions are the actions that enable the end users of the application you developed to log in to the application (Sign in / Sign up / Reset password etc.), create new users, activate / deactivate registered users, authorize the application on the screen and / or elements.

Click on the element you want to add authorization actions to and make it selected. Go to Properties panel and select the action you need under Authorization from the list opened with + Add Actions.

For example, you can use the Sign with Apple and Sign With Google actions under Authorization Actions to log in to the application with Apple and/or Google.

With the actions in this section;

  • Can add user role with Add User To Role,
  • Remove User To Role can delete the role(s) assigned to the user,
  • With Create User, you can add users to the application you have developed,
  • With Disable User, users can disable the use of the application,
  • With Enable User, previously registered and inactive application users can be activated,
  • Update Username to update user names,
  • Forgot Password can start the flow when app users cannot access their passwords,
  • With Password Send Reset Mail, users can have a password reset email sent to them,
  • Password Change can use the password change function,
  • Logout allows the user logged in to the application you have developed to exit the application,
  • It can log in to the application with the Sign In action,
  • With the Sign Up action, you can enable new users to register to the application you have developed,
  • With Update User Started Screen, the user can change the opening screen after logging into the application depending on the user role,
  • With the Is Logged In action, you can add status information that the user is logged in to the application.

If you want to examine these actions in detail, you can use the card structure in the left menu.

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