
Content Menu

Content Menu

Kuika's Content Menu element is a tool used to provide users with easy access to specific content. By providing users with different options, it simplifies navigation within the app and enhances the user experience. The Content Menu is often used to present frequently used or important actions together, helping users quickly find the information they need. For example, it can be used to list various options in an application's settings menu or to provide links to similar products on a product detail page. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create interactive menus in your application using the Content Menu element.

The Content Menu element only supports web applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Content Menu element,
  2. Content Menu element properties,
  3. Authorization,
  4. Visibility,
  5. Editability,
  6. Customize the interface design with Style Panel,
  7. Actions.


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