Kuika's Process Automation module enables efficient management of repetitive and time-critical tasks by automating workflows in mobile or web application development processes, thus saving both time and labor. With Process Automation, you can design workflows, add system actions and custom actions to the created workflows, and make job assignments.
The Process Automation module can be used in many areas such as automated reporting and data analytics, human resources management automation, customer service and support services. In this course, you will learn how to create workflow with the Process Automation module.
This training content consists of the following topics:
Follow the steps below to create Process Automation:
When you switch to the Process Automation module on the Kuika platform, you will see the workflow creation screen.
Let's examine the sections in the Process Automation module.
A. Left Panel
You can add new workflows from the left panel, access the workflows you have added, add parameters, custom actions and customizable buttons to your workflow.
1. Processes: This is the area where you can add new workflows.
2. Process Parameters: This is the area where you can add parameters in workflows.
3. Custom Actions: Allows you to add custom actions in workflows.
4. Buttons: Allows you to add customizable buttons to manage user interactions in your workflow. You can use the buttons you create to trigger specific actions, to move to the next step or to make different directions in your workflow.
B. Workflow Management Area
5. Process Automation Tools
6. Design Area (Canvas): By clicking on elements you can change their types, add notes and delete them. When designing the process, when you click on the elements to speed up and facilitate the process, the toolbox opens on the Canvas.
C. Process Automation Properties Panel
7. Process Description: This is the field where the description of the planned process in the workflow is made.
8. Happy Path: Refers to a scenario where a business process is completed smoothly from start to finish under ideal conditions, without any errors, interruptions or deviations.
9. Version History: It makes old versions that are not actively used inactive and ensures that these old versions are not used in new updates. Each time an update is made, a new version of the workflows is created and screens, definitions and other components related to the old versions are added to the new application. Unused versions are deactivated through this field, thus preventing future updates from including these old versions.
1. Create Exclusive Gateway: Clicking on the Create Exclusive Gateway tool opens the area where the conditions and ordering of the transactions in the workflow are set. In this area, you can call the variables created in the parameter panel with the Symbol Picker in the None option. You can specify the logical values required for the condition in the Select Box .
Select from the “Will execute otherwise” field to determine the path order. For example, if “Yes” is selected from the "Will execute otherwise" field, the first path used from the workflow will be “No”.
2. Create Task: When the Create Task tool is clicked, there is the “Actions” option where you can add Kuika's system actions and the “Step Outputs” option that determines the output of the output steps in the Process. When you click on the “+SELECT WF PARAMS TO MAP” option underSteps Outputs , the output of the selected variables is prepared.
3. Create User Task: Clicking on the Create User Task tool opens the following options:
Kuika's Process Automation module uses the Workflow Screen creation panel to manage and automate business processes. It allows you to create a business process, define processes and visualize process flows.
The Proxy System is a system that makes it easy for a user to delegate tasks to another team member in their absence. For example, let's say you are developing an application that manages permission processes. In this application, there is a screen where permissions are entered and a screen where permissions are approved by the manager. When the manager is on leave, the proxy system is of great benefit so that the employee's leave is not suspended. With the deputy system, the manager can appoint a replacement. The appointed person, i.e. the proxy, can view the manager's business processes like the manager. This makes processes more efficient and ensures business continuity. In Process Automation, the user can ensure that his/her own work is viewed by the proxy with the proxy he/she assigns to him/her.
The proxy system is used in the output of the application; that is, it is not fully involved in the application development process, but as a part of the process. Users can incorporate this system into their applications as they wish. Within the scope of the proxy system, Kuika Process Automation actions include “Get Agent” and “Set Agent” actions. These actions enable the realization of proxy transactions on the user. With the proxy system, a user with a proxy is not given an additional proxy. For example, if Admin has given a proxy to User 1, User 1 cannot get another proxy at the same time.