Process Automations

Process Automation

Process Automation

Process Automation is the view mode developed by Kuika to save time and effort by automating repetitive and time-sensitive tasks in the mobile or web application development process.

At the same time, it allows users to focus on more creative and valuable tasks by reducing the risk of errors and increasing productivity.

With Process Automation, you can design workflows, add system actions and custom actions to the created workflows, and make job assignments.

Process Automation can be applied in many areas such as automated reporting and data analytics, human resources management automation, customer service and support services. Process Automation enables automating business processes.

Kuika uses the BPMN 2.0 standard in the Process Automation development process.

BPMN 2.0 provides a standard language for understanding and sharing business processes. Modeling a business process with BPMN allows to visually understand how processes work and potential problems in business processes.


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