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Title Bar Setting

Title Bar Setting

One of the features of a Web application is the Title Bar, which is displayed in the browser tab. With Kuika, you can quickly add Title Bar information to a Web application you have developed.

To add Title Bar information, open the Config Manager view in the application you are developing.

If you have already created a configuration setting, open the Web UI configuration screen in the relevant configuration setting.

If you have never created a configuration before, open the Web UI configuration screen by creating a new configuration.

On the screen that opens, you can enter the application title to be displayed in the browser tab under the TITLE heading on the right.

The application title field comes with the name of the application you created by default. You can delete it and type a new name if you want.

Under the FAVICON heading, you can upload the application icon to be displayed in the browser tab.

The icon you will add for the Favicon should be 32x32 Px in size and one of the JPG, PNG and SVG file types.

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