
Task Management

Task Management

In Process Automation, task management is an important module used for creating, assigning, tracking and completing tasks in business processes. Task management ensures that the workflow proceeds smoothly by determining which actions users and the system should take at certain steps. With this module, it is ensured that tasks are assigned to the right people, completed within the specified timeframes and that the workflow proceeds according to the planned steps.

Creating Tasks

  1. Selecting the Task Type: Kuika Process Automation has two main task types: User Tasks and System Tasks.
    • User Tasks: Create User Tasks in the Process Automation module are tasks that require user interaction. In this type of task, the user is expected to perform a specific action, fill out a form, give approval or make a decision.
    • System Tasks: Create Tasks in the Process Automation module are tasks that the system performs automatically, without user intervention. For example, operations such as sending an e-mail or updating certain data fall into this category.
  2. Determining Task Steps: When creating a task, specific steps are defined in the workflow where these tasks will be triggered. These are the points that organize the flow of the business process and determine where each task starts and ends.
  3. Task Descriptions and Contents: Descriptions are added for each task. It provides clear information about the process to the users who will receive the task and facilitates the correct completion of the tasks.
  4. Task durations and timers: If tasks need to be completed within a certain period of time, timers can be added. The feature makes workflow more efficient and prevents delays.

Task Management and Assignment

  1. Assignment Methods: Tasks can be assigned by user, role or department, or even by custom criteria.
  • Role Based Assignment: Tasks are assigned according to users who assume certain roles in business processes.
  • Dynamic Assignment: Allows tasks to be assigned dynamically according to specific conditions.
  • Delegated Assignment: A proxy system is used in cases where a user can delegate his/her duties to another person.
  1. Task Tracking and Feedback: Information such as the status of tasks, the stage they are at and their completion time can be monitored. Users can make updates on their tasks such as completed, pending or rejected and give relevant feedback.
  2. Task Updates and Reminders: Reminders can be made via e-mail or in-app notifications to complete tasks on time.
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