
Confirmation Scenarios and Internal Variables

Confirmation Scenarios and Internal Variables

Approval scenarios come into play when certain steps in business processes need to be approved by authorized individuals or groups. These scenarios create decision mechanisms at specific points in the workflow, ensuring that the process is managed by the right people. Process Automation offers various scenarios and flexible tools to configure approval processes. The storage and processing of data throughout the process is done through internal variables. These variables are used in decision-making processes by containing temporary data for the process to move forward.

Validation Scenarios

In approval scenarios, Kuika's tools interact with users and contribute to directing the process as needed.

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Then click on the “Process Automation” module.
  3. From the screen that opens, give a name to the workflow and click the “CREATE” button.
  4. Open the “Properties” panel on the right side.

Below are the basic tools used in the validation stages of the process:

  1. Assignment: “Assignment” is a tool used to assign specific tasks to users. For example, when a task is assigned to a user in an approval process, a notification is sent to the user via e-mail with the “Send Default Notification Mail” option. With this notification, the user is directed to the approval or termination processes in the workflow. Assignment ensures that the tasks are delivered to the right users and the process proceeds without interruption.
  2. Actions: Actions added to User Task are triggered as soon as the task is created and can therefore be considered as Pre-Actions. For example, an action can be added to send a special notification e-mail when a task is assigned to the user. It does not interfere with the general operation of the step; however, it provides additional actions such as notification or information about the step. For example, an informative email can be sent to the user for a task pending approval.
  3. Step Description: This field, which contains descriptions and details of each step, can be called with parameters using “@” in business processes. It allows users to have more information about the process steps and includes details such as which tasks are waiting for approval and which variables are used.
  4. Task Due (Task Completion Time): This field, which specifies when tasks should be completed, ensures that the workflow is planned and tasks are completed on time. Task completion time is important in steps that require approval and contributes to the timely completion of the process.
  5. Step Outputs: This is the field where the results of the output steps in the process are determined. Step Output in “Create User Task” contains the information provided by the users as a result of the task. Unlike “Create Task”, here it is possible to choose what to change according to the information entered by the users. This allows data from user interactions to be processed during the approval process.
  6. User Interaction: User interaction is particularly important in approval scenarios. This tool expects the user to fill out a form, make a decision or enter certain data, and once this is done, the process moves on to the next step. The interactions of users in the approval steps ensure that the process proceeds correctly and quickly.

Internal Variables

Internal variables are variables that temporarily store the information needed by the process during validation scenarios and facilitate decision making based on this data.

Internal Variables that may be required for logical control. For example, you should create a process that checks whether the user has the right to permission in the permission process. Since this is a background process, you can define a variable that determines the permission right. You can do this by defining a Boolean variable named “Progress Payment” from the Process Parameters panel on the left side and clicking the “CREATE” button.

These variables provide the data flow in the process and direct the operation.

  1. Approval Status: It is the variable that stores the status of the tasks (for example, “Pending”, “Approved” or “Rejected”) during the approval stages. The approval status plays a critical role in determining which direction the workflow will take.
  2. User Roles and Authorizations: Determines which user or group of users is authorized. For example, a task can be automatically assigned to people in a specific role, and only their approval can move the process forward.
  3. Time Information and Task Completion Time: Helps analyze process performance by tracking how much time has elapsed at each step. Time management can be done throughout the process according to the time set with Task Due.
  4. Conditional Variables: These variables, which take different values according to certain conditions, are used for decision making in the approval process. For example, it can control situations such as requiring additional approval when a certain cost threshold is exceeded.

When approval scenarios and internal variables are used together, user-oriented and dynamic management of processes is ensured.

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