Build API (API Builder)

Explore API Builder mode

Explore API Builder mode

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is an interface that allows a software application to communicate with another application or service. APIs make it easier for different systems and applications to work together and exchange data.

APIs enable the transmission of data between various platforms. One application uses APIs to send or receive data from another application or service. APIs standardize this data exchange and facilitate interaction between applications.

Kuika offers API service to users with the API Builder view mode in the application. The API Builder view mode allows you to use the application you have developed with Kuika as a data source for different applications.

For example, imagine your food ordering application developed on Kuika retrieving a restaurant's menu.  The API provides a specific endpoint (URL) for your app to retrieve the restaurant's menu. Your app sends a request to this URL and the API returns the restaurant's menu back to you. This way, your app can get the restaurant's menu and show it to users.

In the same way, when a user places an order, your app can forward that order to the restaurant through the API. The API will verify that the order has been transmitted to the restaurant and will send you the response from the restaurant so that it can provide feedback to the user.

Through the API Builder view mode, you can turn the applications you develop in Kuika into data sources as APIs.

API Builder supports mobile and web applications.

  1. Create API Builder.
  2. API Builder Panel.
  3. API Builder Method Creation and Properties Panel.


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