Kuika's API Builder module allows you to turn your application into a data source for other applications and services. API (Application Programming Interface) is an interface that performs data exchange between different systems and applications in a standard structure.
This module makes it easier for your application to send and receive data. For example, a food ordering application developed in Kuika can get a restaurant's menu via API. Similarly, when an order is placed, you can send this information to the restaurant via API and get feedback. In this training content, you will learn how to configure API definitions using the Kuika API Builder module.
This training content consists of the following topics:
Designer 1 course aims to improve your design skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 1 course aims to increase your development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 2 course aims to introduce advanced development methods using Kuika's visual interface tools.
Process Automation course aims to increase your workflow development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Designer 2 course offers content for preparing advanced interface designs on the Kuika Low-code platform.