
Horizontal Stack

Horizontal Stack

Kuika's Horizontal Stack element is used to place user interface (UI) elements in a horizontal row or layout. Aligning elements in a horizontal plane makes the content of your application more compact and accessible, especially effective in form structures or groups of information that need to be displayed side by side. Also, when multiple elements need to be arranged side by side, you can use the Horizontal Stack element to easily adjust the spacing between them. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Horizontal Stack element to align elements in the user interface horizontally.

Horizontal Stack element supports web and mobile applications.

This course content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Horizontal Stack element,
  2. Horizontal Stack element properties,
  3. Authorization,
  4. Visibility,
  5. Editability,
  6. Customize the interface design with Style Panel.


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