Change the properties of elements and screens using the Properties panel.
The Properties panel is located on the right side of the Canvas. It is used to view and edit the properties of the selected element or screen.
The Properties panel changes according to the selected element or screen properties. In order to view the properties of the screen that is directly open, the screen must be selected. You can open the Properties panel by clicking on the gray area in the background of the screen, by clicking on the body of the screen in an area of the screen where there is no element, by selecting the top parent screen with the Item Tree panel, by selecting the screen with the breadcrumb on the bottom edge.
Properties is the part where the orientation of the screens in the project is made, the starting screens of the applications are specified, and the Visibility of the screens is set.
The Properties panel is located on the right side of the UI Design view mode. It is used to view and edit the properties of the currently selected element or screen.
Properties tab contains Role, Authorization, Visibility, Visibility, Actions properties.
This is the part where the role of presenting the application screens you have developed in front of the user is specified. Kuika offers you 9 options.
Kuika offers authorization options for your users in the form of Anonymous Access, All Roles Access on the application screens you develop.
In order to authorize the elements, you can follow the steps below to perform Authorization operations:
The authorization settings of the element will be set according to the selection you have made.
It allows you to adjust the visibility of screens or elements. Visibility in Elements allows you to regulate visibility based on a specific state or condition. For each element, you can make it always visible, hidden, or visible and hidden depending on a condition.
Kuika contains system actions such as Arithmetic, Authorization, Condition, Device, Export, GeoLocation, Local Storage, Multi Language, Navigation, Notification, Payment Stripe, UI Control, Trigger, Process Automation, Process Administration and String Operations.
In addition to system actions, you can also use SQL actions that you create yourself.
You can use the +Add Action button in the Properties panel to add actions to the elements.