It is an element that displays data in image formats such as PNG, JPG, SVG. It can display a static image that you add to the image library or dynamically display the relevant image sent from the data table as a result of the data connection.a
You can add the Image element to the screen with drag and drop from the Elements panel. If you drag it to an empty area on the screen, it will be added with the Row element. If you drag it into a Column, you will only add the Image element.
If you have a custom icon set, you can add it with Image / Uploaded Images. Basically, formats such as PNG, JPG, SVG will be displayed directly in both your Web and Native iOS apps. However, SVG format images will not be displayed in your Native Android apps. For this, you must upload it in Android Vector Drawable - XML format. When adding the relevant static image, you must upload it in both .svg and .xml formats with the same name (HamburgerMenu.svg / HamburgerMenu.xml). When Kuika develops the code for Android and iOS, it checks this name and selects the relevant format according to the device.
You can add static and dynamic images to the Image element. You can give role based authorizations to the element and you can set the visibility with always visible / hidden / sometimes visible options.
This is the field where you specify the static or dynamic values that the Image element will take. When you select Uploaded Image with Symbol Picker, you can select one of the images you added to the image library and display it. Again, using Symbol picker, you can display the image added to an element besides the predefined options. After the data connection is made, the related image in the data table can be displayed.
Image Library with Artificial Intelligence Assistant
With Kuika platform, AI (artificial intelligence), today's most popular technology, has been combined with Kuika to increase the speed and ease your application development process.
Image Library has been combined with AI (artificial intelligence) features. With the AI assistant you will use in Image Library, it is enough to describe the image you want to add with a few words. Add the Image element from the Elements panel to the workspace in the application. Click on the Image element you added and click on value from the Properties panel. Select Uploaded Images in the field that opens. There are ADD IMAGE and GENERATE WITH AI buttons in the image library area.
With ADD IMAGE you can add images from your device by drag and drop or by selecting them from your computer. When GENERATE WITH AI is clicked, a chat bot opens.
As a result of the data typed into the chat bot, AI (artificial intelligence) generates images that are not available in browsers. The detailed definition sentence you use when requesting an image affects the quality and accuracy of the image you are looking for.
In order for the generated images to be included in the Image Library, you can add them to the application library by clicking the download icon button on the right side of each image.
Place Holder Image
In the absence of an image, a placeholder image can be added. It comes with an image by default, you can change it according to your needs.
Zoom On Click
With the Image element, you can zoom in on the image after double-clicking and touching the image in the mobile or web application you have prepared.
Image Fit
The Image element can have a custom size according to the value it receives via Styling > Layout. It may also have a size that the Image element is available through its parent element. In such cases, you can specify how the image to be displayed fits into the Image element frame.
You can customize user access with “Anonymous Access” and “All Roles Access” authorization options on the screens and elements of your application. While “Anonymous Access” enables access without any account information query, “All Roles Access” provides access by verifying user account information.
For element level authorization, you can manage the security and user experience of your application by selecting the relevant element and editing the “Authorization” settings from the Properties panel.
Kuika contains system actions such as Arithmetic, Authorization, Condition, Device, Export, GeoLocation, Local Storage, Multi Language, Navigation, Notification, Payment Stripe, UI Control, Trigger, Process Automation, Process Administration and String Operations.
In addition to system actions, you can also use SQL actions that you create yourself.
You can use the +Add Action button in the Properties panel to add actions to the elements.
It allows you to adjust the visibility of screens or elements. Visibility in Elements allows you to regulate visibility based on a specific state or condition. For each element, you can make it always visible, hidden, or visible and hidden depending on a condition.
By customizing your elements with the Styling Panel, you can create unique and impressive user interfaces in your web and mobile applications.