UI Design
Learn the panels



Kuika offers various elements to enrich and simplify your app development process. The elements vary depending on the type of app you are developing (mobile or web) and each one is designed to optimize the user experience. You can easily use these elements offered by Kuika in your app.

During the application development process, you can access the elements you need from the Elements panel in your workspace. You can drag and drop the element you want to use and add it to your workspace. In this way, you can create customized, functional and user-friendly elements in your design.

The elements offered by Kuika are classified under eleven main categories. These categories help you easily distinguish the function and intended use of each element. You can find detailed information about these categories in the table below and you can easily select the necessary elements to use in your projects.

Each category contains elements designed for a specific user interaction or application function. Choosing the right element according to your needs will make your application work more efficiently. Using these elements correctly to create efficient user experiences, especially in web and mobile applications, contributes greatly to the success of your application.

Elements Table

Elements Table

Category Elements
Text Input Category URL, Text Input, Text Area, Password, MD Editor, Email
Special Category Web View, Signature, Micro App, Maps, Divider, Chat, Big File Upload
Select Input Category Switch, Select Box, Radio Group, Multi Select, Location Search, Location Picker, Language Selector, Checkbox, Auto Complete
Numeric Input Category Slider, Rate, Range Slider, Percent, Number Input, Currency, Barcode Input
Navigation Category Menu, Content Menu, Button
Interactive Category Tab, Stepper, Pagination, Collapse
Display Category Video Player, Tree, Tooltip, Timeline, Thumbnail, Stopwatch, QR Renderer, MD Viewer, Label, Image, Icon, Countup, Countdown, Barcode Renderer, Badge
Date and Time Input Category Year Picker, Month Picker, Date Time Range, Date Time, Date Range, Date
Data Category Table, Pivot Table, Horizontal Grid, Gallery View, Flex Grid, Carousel, Calendar
Container Category Vertical Stack, Row, Process Automation, Panel, Horizontal Stack, Header, Form, Footer
Chart Category Radial Chart, Progress Circle, Progress Bar, Pie Chart, Mixed Chart, Line Chart, Gauge Chart, Donut Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart
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