Kuika's Recaptcha element allows you to protect your applications from automated processes and bots. It provides a secure and user-friendly verification process, ensuring that only real users gain access. Recaptcha is an effective tool to increase the level of security in forms and login screens. In this course, you will learn how to use the Recaptcha element, how to set validation settings and how to increase the security level of your application.
This training content consists of the following topics:
2. In the “UI Design” (1) module, drag and drop the ReCaptcha element (4) under the “Interactive” (3) category from the “Elements” (2) panel on the left side.
In order to use the ReCaptcha element, different key information is required for each platform (Web, Android, iOS). These keys from the Google ReCaptcha service must be generated platform-specific. The key information received separately for web, Android and iOS must be entered into the Google Recaptcha field in the Configuration Manager module specific to each platform to ensure the correct verification process.
Google Console ReCaptcha Settings
Follow the steps below to get Google ReCaptcha keys:
Getting WEB Key
Getting Android Key
Getting iOS Key
Up to this stage, we have created Web, Android and iOS keys. Now we will use the keys we have received on the Kuika platform.
WEB Integration
Android Integration
iOS Integration
After completing these steps, go back to the UI Design module.
Add Validation to the ReCaptcha element from the ADD VALIDATION button on the right side.
Then add the OnClick→ Verification→ Verify ReCaptcha Token action to the button where you want to add the ReCaptcha validation. If you need to logout, add the Logout action.
So, to add Recaptcha verification, you can add the Verify ReCaptcha Token action to the button that needs to be verified and the Logout action to the button that needs to be logged out.
For more information, you can review the “Verify ReCaptcha Token” document.
You can customize user access with “Anonymous Access” and “All Roles Access” authorization options on the screens and elements of your application. While “Anonymous Access” enables access without any account information query, “All Roles Access” provides access by verifying user account information.
For element level authorization, you can manage the security and user experience of your application by selecting the relevant element and editing the “Authorization” settings from the Properties panel.
It allows you to adjust the visibility of screens or elements. Visibility in Elements allows you to regulate visibility based on a specific state or condition. For each element, you can make it always visible, hidden, or visible and hidden depending on a condition.
Allows you to make elements editable.
By customizing your elements with the Styling Panel, you can create unique and impressive user interfaces in your web and mobile applications.