
Vertical Stack

Vertical Stack

The Vertical Stack Element is a widely used element for organising user interface (UI) design in application development processes.

The Vertical Stack element is used to place UI elements in a vertical row or order. Arranging elements in a vertical row makes content more readable and organised, and helps users better interact with your application.

You can use the Vertical Stack element to adjust the spacing of two or more elements when they are next to each other. It is located under the Container category. You can add many elements, especially Display, Input type elements.

Vertical Stack element has the following functions.

  • Organising Elements: The Vertical Stack Element allows you to arrange different UI elements in a vertical row.
  • Responsive Design: The Vertical Stack Element can help you adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Because the elements are arranged vertically, they can automatically adjust to screen sizes. This ensures that content stays organised on small screens such as mobile devices.
  • Customisation: The Vertical Stack Element allows you to customise the spacing between elements, alignment and other styling features. This helps you customise the layout to meet your design requirements.
  • Improvement of UI Design: The Vertical Stack Element allows users to more easily understand and interact with content on a page or window. This helps improve the user experience.

Add Vertical Stack

It is very easy to add the Vertical Stack element to your application. You need to follow the steps below to add the Vertical Stack element.

  1. In UI Design view, open the Elements panel on the left side.
  2. In the Elements panel, select Vertical Stack from the Container category.
  3. Drag and drop the Vertical Stack element to the screen.
  4. You can customise the Vertical Stack element in the Properties panel. For example, the number of steps, initial value, etc.
  5. When you drag and drop the Vertical Stack element from the Elements panel to an empty area on the screen, it automatically comes with a Row/Column. You can add the Vertical Stack element into a Row/Column or Panel element by drag and drop.

Vertical Stack element supports mobile and web applications

You can add it into elements such as:

  • Row
  • Panel,
  • Input (Textinput, Currency, Selectbox, Checkbox and Switch)

You can add Horizontal Stack element inside the Vertical Stack element.


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