
Vertical Stack

Vertical Stack

Kuika's Vertical Stack element is used to place User Interface (UI) elements in a vertical row or layout. Arranging elements in a vertical row makes content more readable and organized, and helps users better interact with your application. You can also use the Vertical Stack element to adjust spacing when two or more elements are next to each other. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Vertical Stack element to arrange elements in the user interface in a vertical order.

The Vertical Stack element has the following functions:

  • Organizing Elements: The Vertical Stack Element allows you to organize different UI elements in a vertical row.
  • Responsive Design: The Vertical Stack Element can help you adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Because the elements are arranged vertically, they can automatically adjust to screen sizes. This helps keep content organized on small screens, such as mobile devices.
  • Customization: The Vertical Stack Element allows you to customize the spacing between elements, alignment and other styling features. It helps you customize the layout to meet your design requirements.
  • Improving UI Design: The Vertical Stack Element makes it easier for users to understand and interact with content on a page or window.

The Vertical Stack element supports web and mobile applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Vertical Stack element,
  2. Vertical Stack element properties,
  3. Authorization,
  4. Visibility,
  5. Editability,
  6. Customize the interface design with the Style Panel.


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