


Kuika's Thumbnail element is used to show small preview images in applications. It is often used to link to a larger version of an image or video, or to give a brief idea of the content. Thumbnail elements help draw attention to important content in the interface by quickly providing visual information to users. For example, they can be used to show product images in a product catalog or small previews of videos in a video gallery. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create visual previews in your application using the Thumbnail element.

The Thumbnail element is only supported by web applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Thumbnail element,
  2. Thumbnail element properties,
  3. Thumbnail element usage,
  4. Authorization,
  5. Visibility,
  6. Editability,
  7. Customize the interface design with Style Panel,
  8. Actions.


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