


Kuika's Badge element is used to emphasize or highlight certain information in the user interface. Badge is used as a small, eye-catching label, often used to display numbers, status information or notifications. It is particularly useful for tracking user interactions or ensuring that important information is not overlooked. For example, a Badge attached to a notification icon can show the number of unread messages. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Badge element to present the information you want to highlight in your app.

The Badge element has the following functionalities:

  • Number of Notifications: The most common use of the Badge element is to show the number of notifications. For example, it can be used to show how many new messages you have in a chat app, or the number of unread emails in an email client.
  • Status Indicator: Badge elements can be used to show the status of a particular object. For example, in a to-do list application, it is useful to show the number of unfinished tasks.
  • Permission Status: When managing user permissions, Badge elements can be used to show the active or inactive status of a particular permission. For example, an app can use a Badge to show the status of the camera permission.
  • Social Network Notifications: In social media apps, Badge elements can be used to show new interactions (likes, comments, shares) or notification counts.
  • Map or Journey Apps: In GPS or mapping applications, Badge elements can be used to show the user information such as distance traveled, time remaining to destination or directions.
  • Games: In games, Badge elements can be used to show users in-game achievements, points or progress.

Badge element supports web and mobile applications.

This training content consists of the following topics:

  1. Adding a Badge element,
  2. Badge element properties,
  3. Authorization,
  4. Visibility,
  5. Editability,
  6. Customize the interface design with Style Panel.

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