Learn the app development process



With Kuika, you can configure routing, device type, application icon and splash screen configurations for mobile applications during the application development process.

For mobile applications, open the Config Manager view mode in the application you are developing to configure routing, device type, application icon and splash screen.

Open the iOS and/or Android configuration setting screen for the mobile app you are developing.

On the screen that opens, you can make the relevant configuration settings under the OPTIONS field on the right.

Open the drop-down menu under the Orientation heading to manage the app's screen orientations. In the drop-down menu:

  • Both horizontal and vertical use
  • Vertical use only
  • Horizontal use only

preferences will greet you. You can choose the relevant routing according to the needs of the application you are developing.

You can use the drop-down menu under the Devices heading to specify the device type on which the application will run. Open the drop-down menu under the Devices heading to specify the device type. In the drop-down menu:

  • All of them
  • Phones only
  • Tablets only

preferences will welcome you. You can choose the type of device on which your application will run according to the needs of the application.

You need to add an app icon for the application you are developing. To add the app icon, you can upload it in Square format and Round (Android Only) format from the area under the APP ICONS heading.

In Android applications, App Icons are used in round format in certain versions. They can also be used as square in different versions. To support both version types, both round and square format Icon uploads are available.

To add a square application icon, you can add PNG file format images via the Media Gallery pop-up screen opened by clicking the Choose button opposite the Kuika logo in square format under the APP ICONS heading.

To add a round application icon (Android only), you can add PNG file format images via the Media Gallery pop-up screen opened by clicking the Choose button opposite the Kuika logo in round format under the APP ICONS heading.

You can add an icon or logo to the Splash screen of the application. You can also change the background color of the splash screen.

You can follow the steps below to add an icon or logo to the Home screen of the application and change the background color.

  • Click Splash screen design to add an icon or logo to the Splash screen of the application.
  • You can add PNG file format images through the Media Gallery pop-up screen. The images you added before will also be listed in the Media Gallery.
  • Complete the process of adding images to the Splash screen by clicking on the image listed in the Media Gallery that you want to use.
  • You can use the image you uploaded to the Splash screen in Default size or Stretch size via the drop-down menu opposite the Fitting title.
  • To change the background color of the Splash screen, fill the field opposite the Splash Color title with the Hex code of the color you want to use.

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