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Get help with Helpdesk

Get help with Helpdesk

As Kuika, we are always with you during the application development process. When you need help, you can create a support request using the Helpdesk view mode within the platform. We listen to your requests on topics such as how-to, bugs or new features and provide full support with the relevant team members.

In order to receive support from the Helpdesk, you must upgrade your current subscription plan. You can visit our Pricing page to upgrade your subscription.

To create a support request through the Helpdesk;

  1. Click on Helpdesk in the header.
  2. On the screen that opens, click the + icon from the left panel and create a new ticket.
  3. In the support request you created, write the subject and detail of the help message.
  4. If you have images about the subject you want to get support, add the relevant images to the Drag and drop image field.
  5. Click the Send button to create a ticket.
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