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Host Settings

Host Settings

Host settings determine how a service or application will run and interact with other devices. It can also consist of various properties such as network connections, IP address settings, domain name redirects, port numbers and security settings. These settings determine how the server is connected to the network and how other devices communicate with the server.

For example, a web hosting provider's host settings may include information about which server to direct requests to a website to, which files to serve on that server, and so on.

Kuika offers Host settings setting to users in Configuration Manager view mode.

To make Host settings settings, click Configuration Manager view mode via Header.

Click Web on the screen that opens. Then activate the Support Web UI Switch.

On the screen that opens, click the "ADD NEW" button under Host Settings.

Frontend URL is the ability of two different web applications, for example and applications, to publish two different applications under a single URL, such as sub application logic or filing, using slash. akademi.kuika is the part where the slash and then akademi.kuika is taken in the URL such as

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