System Actions
Device actions

Share and GenerateVCF Action in Mobile Applications

Share and GenerateVCF Action in Mobile Applications

In mobile applications developed with Kuika, you can share a string content and/or a string item in the application by using the Share action.

This training content consists of the following titles.

  1. Sharing in Mobile Applications with Share Action
  2. Creating Vcf in Mobile Applications and Sharing with Share Action

1. Sharing in Mobile Applications with Share Action:

It allows sharing content of string data type using the Share action.

Click on the element you want to add Share action in the mobile application you developed.

Within the scope of the example scenario, there is a Share column on the List screen and sharing is performed through the Share icon in this column. Therefore, click on the Share icon.

Örnek Share aksiyonu kullanılan uygulama ekran görüntüsü

Click +Add Action under Properties panel.

Click OnClick →Device →Share from the drop-down list and add Share action.

Share aksiyonu ekran görüntüsü

Provide the text input to be shared for the Share action you added via Symbol Picker.

(Share aksiyonu için Symbol Picker kategori seçimi ekran görüntüsü

Complete the action addition process by selecting the value under the relevant category via Symbol Picker.

2. Creating VCF in Mobile Applications and Sharing with Share Action

You can use GenerateVcf action and Share action to create and share VCF using the information in the application.

Select the relevant element on the screen where you want to add the VCF creation action. (In the example scenario, the Share icon below is selected).

GenerateVcf aksiyonu ekleme ekran kaydı

In the Properties opened on the right, click +Add Action under the panel.

In the menu that opens, click OnClick → Export → GenerateVcf and add the GenerateVcf action.

GenerateVcf action comes with name and surname parameters. You can add optional parameters according to your needs. To add optional parameters, click on ADD OPTIONAL PARAMETER button under GenerateVcf action.

GenerateVcf aksiyonu opsiyonel parametreler ekran görüntüsü

On the screen that opens, select the parameters you want to add and click the SAVE button.

Then select the values of the parameters via Symbol Picker and complete the work with the GenerateVcf action.

Then add a Share action to the same element to share the Vcf you created.

Share Aksiyonu ekleme ekran kaydı

To add Share action, select the element you want to add the action to. Click +Add Action under the Properties panel on the right.

Click OnClick →Device →Share from the drop-down list and add the Share action.

To share the Vcf via the Share action, click Symbol Picker in the upper right corner of the text parameter in the Share action.

Share aksiyonuna değer olarak GenerateVcf aksiyonundan dönen değeri bağlama ekran görüntüsü

On the screen that opens, select Action Results →GenerateVcf.

By performing these steps, you can share Vcf through the application you have developed.

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