System Actions
Device actions

Get Wifi Network Info

Get Wifi Network Info

Kuika's Get Wifi Network Info action allows you to get information about the Wifi network your device is connected to. It allows you to see whether your device is connected via Wifi network or mobile data. In this tutorial, you will learn how to quickly get Wifi connection information using the Get Wifi Network Info action.

The information you can get with the Get Wifi Network Info action:

  • Success: If the Wifi information retrieval is successful, it returns “True” in string type, if unsuccessful, it returns “False”.
  • On Wifi: “True” data indicates that the device is connected via Wifi. “False” indicates that the device is connected via GSM.
  • SSID: SSID information of the Wifi network to which the device is connected.
  • BSSID: Get the BSSID of the Wifi network to which the device is connected.

Get Wifi Network Info action can only be used in mobile projects.

This training consists of the following topics:

  1. Creating a mobile application.
  2. Adding Get Wifi Network Info action.


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