System Actions
Device actions

Get Component Base64

Get Component Base64

The GetComponentBase64 action is an action used to get the Base64 value of a specific element content in a web application.

For example, you can use GetComponentBase64 to get the Base64 value of an on-screen table or chart element in an application and use that Base64 value to define a parameter for another action.

To add a system action to GetComponentBase64, select the element to add the action to. Click +Add Action under the Properties panel. (A)

Click OnClick--> Device --> GetComponentBase64 and add the GetComponentBase64 action.(A)

The added GetComponent Base64 action comes with the parameters Component to Save as PDF, Quality and Orientation.

     1. Component to Save as PDF:

This parameter allows you to select the element to get the Base64 value.

      2. Quality:

This parameter specifies the quality level to be used during the conversion to Base64.

The quality levels drop-down menu includes options such as Low, Normal, Medium, High, Extreme.

  • Low:

Applies low quality compression.

Can lead to smaller file sizes, but may reduce visual quality.

  • Normal:

Applies standard quality compression.

It provides stability, a reasonable file size and acceptable visual quality.

It is the preferred overall quality option in most cases.

  • Medium:

Applies medium quality and compression.

It may offer a slightly better visual quality than normal, but the file size may be slightly larger.

  • High:

Applies high quality compression.

Provides better visual quality, but the file size usually increases.

Particularly suitable for high-resolution images or when print quality is required.

  • Extreme:

Applies the highest quality compression.

It aims to maximize visual quality, but the file size will usually be larger.

Particularly suitable for special cases that require print quality and high resolution.

     3. Orientation:

Through this optionally added parameter, you can enable the output to be created portrait or landscape.

Within the added action, Symbol Picker (B) is used to select the parameter input method of the action.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. In this way, you will gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can specify that the action you add works in line with a certain condition,

With the Remove option you can easily delete the added action.

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