System Actions
Trigger actions

Trigger actions

Trigger actions

Trigger system actions allow repeated actions to be collected as a package and to be called in the repeated parts of the actions in this package.

For example, when we act with the scenario that there are two buttons with the same function in the application, it facilitates the process by triggering the trigger actions as a package in order not to recreate the system actions in Button_1 in Button_2.

Trigger elements are Button and Selectbox.

To create Trigger system actions in Trigger elements, select the trigger element from the Elements panel and drag and drop it to your workspace.(A)

From the Properties panel + Add Action → Initial Actions → Button_1 → Trigger → onClick to add the action.(A)

With the added action, the actions under Button_1 will be called Button_2.

As you can use trigger actions by using trigger elements, they can also be created in different ways according to the repeated jobs.

For example, Trigger actions can be used in insert, update and delete functions in the table.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (B).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. Thus, you gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can determine that the action you add works in accordance with a certain condition,

You can easily delete the action added with the Remove option.

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