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Learn the differences between web and mobile apps

In the application development process with Kuika, web and mobile applications have some differences in some points.
Learn the differences between web and mobile apps

In Kuika, there are differences in the development process of Web and Mobile applications in line with some features.

Web application type basically has features that allow you to develop responsive applications that work on a browser. Features such as calling a phone number or sharing it in different applications with the share action are not available in web type applications.

On the other hand, the mobile compatible application type comes with features that can work on both Android and iOS devices. These include actions such as searching or sharing the phone number we mentioned.

The differences between the two application types are;

  1. Configuration Settings: In web applications, you can get only web applications, and in mobile compatible application type, you can get both web and mobile applications.
  2. Element Differences: While you can access all elements in web application type, elements such as Tooltip, Date&Time, Range are not available in mobile application type.
  3. Action differences: Mobile-specific actions such as CallPhoneNumber are not available in the web application type.

If we examine the reasons for the differences in web and mobile compatible application types;

  • While page numberers are used in list screens in web applications, the structure in which new content is loaded with scroll is used in mobile applications.
  • When developing a mobile application, you make a single development for both Android and iOS. Elements and actions to meet both devices and operating systems are kept in common.


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