Configuration Settings

Depending on the type of application you create, the configurations to be used when generating your application vary. While basic configurations are enough for web, you should prepare configurations based on operating system (iOS/Android) for mobile.

There are default configuration settings that allow you to preview the app you create, whether it's web or mobile. This way, you can preview the app from the first moment you create it and preview it packaged for the web or an Android device.

In the web application type, you can make configuration settings only for the web. In the mobile compatible/supported application type, you can make separate configuration settings for both web and mobile (Android/iOS).

When you generate the application you have prepared with Android and iOS configurations, an e-mail is automatically sent to your user account. From the link in this email, you can preview the app via Appetize, test it by downloading it to your device (Android only) or install TestFlight.