UI Design
Work with interface styles



Hue, Saturation, Brightness

Hue (Color Tone): Represents each color created by different wavelengths of light. Such as blue, yellow, green.

Saturation: Refers to the purity and brightness of the color. The brighter the color, the more saturated it is. A color with maximum saturation has no gray. They are described as rich, saturated, vibrant, full. Colors with low saturation contain gray and are described as pale, muted and dull.

Brightness: Indicates how light or dark the color is. The brightness of a color is changed by mixing white or black. The color mixed with white is a lighter shade of that color. The color mixed with black is a darker shade of that color.


RGB is a model that allows electronic devices to create colors using light. In this model, all other colors are a mixture of Red, Green and Blue in different proportions.

A Hex code combines these three values to represent a color in RGB format. Hex codes make it easy to find or copy the same color every time without dealing with percentages.

Saved Color:

You can add new colors to your Color palette by clicking the Saved Color (+) icon.

List Option:

You can adjust the listing of newly added colors in List Option grid or list view.

Remove saved color:

You can delete the added colors by clicking the trash can icon in the Remove saved color option.


The Alpha Channel is the channel that determines how transparent an image or color is. When you decrease the alpha value, transparency increases.

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