Two-Factor Authentication (Two-Factor Authentication or 2FA) is a security measure used to make online accounts and digital systems more secure. You can increase the security of your application by using two-factor authentication code during the application development process.
Two-Factor Authentication (Two-Factor Authentication or 2FA) supports mobile and web applications.
The general working structure of Two Factor Authentication in the application development process is as follows:
Once both factors are verified correctly, the user can access the application.
To create the Two Factor Authentication structure within the Kuika platform, open the Configuration Manager module via the Configuration Manager icon in the Header.
On the screen that opens, name Configuration Manager. Go to the App Settings tab in the created Configuration Manager. Activate the 2FA Authentication Switch from the AUTHENTICATION & AUTHORIZATION field .
With the activation of the Switch, when the user signs in to the application with the user e-mail and password, the screen with the Verification Code screen role will greet the user.
You can use the Screens panel in the UI Design module to edit the Verification Code screen.
Verification Code will be sent to the user's e-mail.
You can use the Verify Email template in the Email Builder module to edit the Verification Code email.
To receive Verification Code via SMS or Notification other than e-mail, open the Datasource module via Header.
You need to create a new Datasource on this screen. For this, click the + icon from the left panel. Select C# from the screen that opens. Then select Custom Verification Code Sender Providerfrom the Selectbox on the same screen.
With this selection, the user will have sent the Verification Code. In the created Datasource, the User Email (User Name), User First and Last Name (First-Last Name), User Phone (User Phone) should be requested from the user. This information is requested from the user.
If the user wants to send the code via which way (e-mail, notification...) above the return false code block, it should be filled in as required.
Then click on the CREATE button.