Release Notes



Mobile Application Features

  • Get Wi-Fi Network Info Action: Wi-Fi (SSID - Service Set Identifier) information for mobile projects can be retrieved with the Get Wifi Network Info Action. This feature shows whether the device is connected via Wi-Fi networks or mobile data. (This action is only available for mobile projects)
    Information returned as a result of the action;
    • Success : Returns True in string type if the reception of Wi-Fi information is successful, False if not,
    • On Wi-Fi : True data indicates that the device is connected via Wi-Fi. False indicates that it is connected via GSM.
    • SSID : SSID information of the device connected to Wi-Fi is received.
    • BSSID : BSSID information of the device connected to Wi-Fi is received.
  • Maps Element: Even if Null is given in latitude and longitude parameters, the relevant screen can be opened and other locations can be displayed.
  • Android SHA-256 Certificate Settings: Edited to match the Google Play connect API settings defined by the developer.
  • Loading display with skeleton has been provided during the loading process of the screen content,
  • Automatic loading after 50% while scrolling with scroll.
  • Press state display has been enabled on elements with Navigate action.
  • APK was developed to support Android 8 version.
  • If the Bluetooth function is turned off on mobile devices, the user is notified in the application.
  • Read NFC action was added to the developed mobile applications to use the NFC feature on the device.
  • The infrastructure that will allow you to add hybrid web screens to mobile projects has been developed. In this way, elements and features that are on the web but not on mobile were made to work with the hybrid solution.
  • With the Deeplink feature used in mobile applications, a QR Code was automatically created in Kuika.

UI Design

  • Search, sort and filtering features have been added to Table element. 
    • Sorter; It allows sorting String, number or date columns from small to large or from large to small.
    • Filtering; String, number or date columns can be filtered with the options according to their type.
    • Searchable; It has been enabled to open search/search input in the upper right corner of the table.
  • Progress Circle and Progress Bar elements have been enabled to enter values by the end user.
  • Parameters have been added to the application using the Chat element, which allows end users to edit and delete the message they write.
  • It has been enabled to give fixed width to Menu element.
  • It has been enabled to make special arrangements on the hint that opens on the data points shown in Chart elements.
  • Nested property has been added to Data elements.
    • Table, Gallery view and Flex Grid elements can be dragged into each other and data linked (each data element can be nested to itself or to only one of the other data elements).
    • The nested data element can take as data source a list contained in the main data grid element.
  • No Data Found Image property field has been added to Table element. In this way, special images can be added for Empty states.
  • Right and left panels can be hidden in the platform interface. You can hide the panels with the Hide button on the panel edge and one click on the icon of the open panel.
  • Making data elements draggable into each other and data binding.
  • Improvements have been made to the element categories in the UI Design module.
  • Allow Clear parameter has been added to Date Range element.

Sistem Actions

  • The following improvements have been made in the Recurring action.
    • On init runs at fixed intervals at the end,
    • Operation with Page Init when the Trigger On Page Init parameter is set to TRUE,
    • Support of multiple Recursive Events,
    • Validation error when adding a recurring action with more than one Interval,
    • Adding more than one action as a child to the Recurring action, changing the order and removing the added actions,
  • New parameters for start and end dates have been added to the Retrieve Subscription action in IyziCo actions.
  • With the new “Connecting Message” parameter added to the Scan Device action, it is possible to add a message to be displayed for 5 seconds during the bluetooth device connection process of the mobile device.
  • Current Page and New Tab options have been added to Open in Browser action.


  • Authentication method has been added for Swagger and Rest services.
  • When Publish and/or Download Source Code is done when Workflow is used in the projects developed in Workspace, a check for the Workflow Engine Base URL setting has been added in the selected Config. In cases where the relevant Workflow Engine Base URL is not added, a notification has been sent to the end user.

Process Automation

  • New Get User Task Summary and Get My Tasks Info actions have been added. Workflows versions can be listed and managed (can be used in web applications)
  • In the list of tasks called with Get MY Task, filtering of tasks with expired dates has been enabled.
  • Creating form screens with steps added to business objects used in workflows.
  • New filtering options have been added with the Show Claim parameter added to the Get My Task action.
    • The ones on me,
    • On me and in the pool
  • When Publish and/or Download Source Code is done when Workflow is used in projects developed in Workspace, a check for the Workflow Engine Base URL setting has been added in the selected Config. In cases where the relevant Workflow Engine Base URL is not added, a notification was sent to the end user.
  • Created User parameter has been added to Process Instances action.
  • Version history has been added to Process Automation. It was enabled to list the versions of the developed Workflows and manage their active/passive status.
  • Activity boundary actions have been added to activities in Process Automation module.

Report Designer

  • Formatter parameter has been added to Label element.
  • BOX element has been added to Report Designer element library. With this element, boxes with background customizations can be designed.‍

Configuration Manager

  • With Global Configuration, authorized users can manage the configurations that can be used in newly created applications in the workspace.
  • In order to add OTP (One Time Password) to the developed applications, 2FA Provider has been added under 2FA in Configuration Settings -> App Setting tab.
  • MSAL configuration settings have been added to a common area under App Settings.
  • Refresh Token support (thanks to TokenProviderType field in KRefreshTokens table) has been added to Authorization methods such as MSAL, Google, Apple.
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