
Create New Config (Basic Process)

Create New Config (Basic Process)

To preview and publish an application developed in Kuika, there is a need to set configuration settings.

You can use Kuika Configuration Manager to configure the application settings of your developed application and the specific environment (Web, iOS and Android) in which it will be published.

To create a new configuration, open the Config Manager view mode from the project you are working on at

Click the CREATE button in the Config Manager view mode.

App Settings configuration settings will greet you on the screen that opens. Name the configuration setting you are creating through the text entry box on the App Settings screen and complete the naming by clicking the Check icon next to the text entry box.

In the Config Manager view mode, there are tabs for App Settings and Web UI configurations if you have created a Web application, depending on the type of application you have created.

If you have created a mobile-friendly application

  • App Settings,
  • Web UI,
  • iOS,
  • Android

and tabs for their configuration.

The App Settings configuration setting is turned on by default for both app types.

However, to open Web UI, iOS and Android configurations and enter configuration settings, you must go to the relevant configuration tab in the Config Manager view mode and turn on the switch on the screen in that configuration.

Then enter the information for the relevant fields for the configuration settings and complete the new configuration creation process by clicking the SAVE button in the upper right corner.

The configurations you have created are listed in the Config Manager view mode, left side panel. You can edit the configuration settings by clicking on the relevant configuration and delete the configuration if you want.

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