Release Notes



New Features

UI Design

  • When an element of the Container type on the screen is selected, the elements in the element panel can be added to the Container with a single click.
  • Selection of the column to be searched has been added to the filtering properties of the Table element.
  • In the filtering process of the Table element, the ability to select date/time and date range for columns containing date information has been added.
  • Column width selection has been provided by adding table Width Mode property to Table element.
  • By adding hide On Mobile Resolution property to Table element, Table Header can be hidden on mobile.
  • By adding size Changer Options property to Pagination element, Size Changer can be defined as custom.
  • By adding Count, Min and Max functions in SelectAction, the end user's action creation process has been made efficient.
  • Master Page feature was introduced in Android applications.

System Actions

  • Export Excel action is supported in mobile applications.
  • Set Value Of action is supported in Carousel element in mobile applications.

Process Automation

  • Search box has been added to the drop-down menus in Select App and Output Mapping.
  • Process Automation element has been added to the interface elements to show the progress and flow status of Process Automation Instances by coloring them in BPMN 2.0 notation.

Email Builder

  • Multi-language support has been added to Templates created in Email Builder.

Report Designer

  • Fixed data was displayed in table columns without dynamic data binding.

Preview, Publish and Generate Code

  • With the Backup and Publish Switch added to the Publish menu, applications can be backed up.

Platform and Platform Interface

  • UI improvements have been made in the User Workspace.


UI Design

  • When hovering over a column in the Table element, the entire content is displayed with Tooltip.
  • User experience has been improved by ensuring that folders are closed on screens and actions.
  • Form Wizard was opened when dragging Process Automation Business Object from Action Tree.
  • The interface of the Action Tree panel has been improved.
  • Header design prepared as Master Screen has been improved.
  • Transformed On Mobile Resolution property has been added to make the Table element responsive on mobile.
  • When a message is deleted in the Chat element in Android applications, a confirmation message has been displayed.
  • Point Label improvements were made in Mixed Chart element in Android applications.
  • In Android applications, the Header of the Table element has been made to remain constant during scroll.
  • Chat element in iOS applications has been improved in terms of interface and user experience.

System Actions

  • In web applications with Recurring action, Spinner was hidden at the time of Recurring.


  • Interface improvement was made for Managed DB in Datasource module.

Platform and Platform Interface

  • The icons on the platform interface have been updated and improved.
  • The warning text on the new application creation screen was converted into an informative text and improved in terms of user experience.
  • Interface improvements were made in the User Workspace.


UI Design

  • The Label in the Default Column of the Table element has been prevented from being dragged out.
  • The scroll problem encountered in scenarios where too many elements are used on the screen has been solved.
  • Fixed the issue that allows Sub Menus in the Menu element to be expanded and automatically closed when the screen changes.
  • The problem encountered in the operation of the StartingIndex property of the Carousel element has been solved.
  • The problem of not returning a value when a nested structured data is bound to the Date Time element has been solved.
  • The problem preventing the display of Tab Item Placeholders in Tab element has been solved.
  • Fixed the white screen issue encountered when binding data to a different Table element used in the Table element.
  • Fixed the problem with the Current parameter of the Carousel element in iOS applications.
  • The visual shift problem encountered in the scenario where the image width is set to 100% in iOS applications has been solved.
  • In mobile applications, the problem of not displaying the Header in Table Inline Grid in vertical mode has been fixed.

System Actions

  • Fixed the problem caused by copy-paste of Notify action in Android applications.


  • The error encountered when adding a data source with C# and using Save, Update and Record actions has been solved.
  • The problem encountered in MSSQL data source creation screen has been solved.
  • The problem encountered when Response Body is Empty Array in RestAPI End Point Run request has been solved.

Process Automation

  • The 3-hour time difference problem in the Get My Task action has been fixed.
  • The problem caused by creating different project names in the same version in scenarios with Process Automation and changing the name of a project has been solved.
  • Stepkey error encountered in Get My Task Info and Get User Tasks actions has been solved.
  • Problems encountered in Get My Tasks Info action have been solved.

Report Designer

  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Table element.

Preview, Publish and Code Generation

  • Fixed an issue when binding a nested structure to the SelectBox element.

Platform and Platform Interface

  • Fixed the issue where the icon is not highlighted with a token when Global Config is open.
  • The problem encountered when the project name is less than 4 characters when creating a new project has been solved.
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