
Publish the app on On-Prem

Publish the app on On-Prem

In order for an application developed in Kuika to be published in On-Prem, an appropriate configuration must be prepared in Configuration Manager view mode.

After preparing the configuration setting, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Rocket icon in the Header.
  2. Select the relevant configuration setting on the screen that opens.
  3. Click the Publish button.

After clicking the Publish button, you will receive Build files of the application in your e-mail.

You can install the applications you develop with Kuika on a Windows or Linux based server. In this content, IIS installation on a Windows-based server will be discussed.

You can follow the steps below for deployment on a Windows-based server with IIS:

First of all, for installation on IIS, 2 plugins must be installed on the server with IIS.

  1. URL Rewrite: This plugin enables the routing of applications written with React to be done on IIS. Click to access the relevant plugin package.
  2. .Net Hosting Bundle: Since the backend of an application developed with Kuika is built with .Net 6, the relevant package must be downloaded and installed on the server. Click to download the relevant package.

After installing these 2 packages on the server, you can proceed to Frontend and Backend Deployment on IIS.

Click on the Rocket icon and select the created Config. Build files of the application, i.e. backend and UI (User Interface) files, will be sent to your e-mail as zip files.

To copy UI files on the IIS server, open a directory with the name “projectname”.

To copy backend files, open a directory with the name “projectnameapi” by adding the word Api to the end of the directory name opened with the name projectname. You created the directories under wwwroot. You should unzip the zip files into the relevant directories.

Create “projectnameapi” web page with Add website under IIS.

At the same time, the Application Pool named projectnameapi will be created. The issue to be considered here is that the Application Pool you create for the backend is No Managed Code.

Right click on Projectnameapi and click Browse. In the internet browser that opens, type “/swagger” at the end of the address and check the backend working status.

After the backend is up and running, the process of opening the web page on the UI side starts.

The operations specified in the images given above should be followed and applied in order.

Then, when IIS is configured, your application will run smoothly.

Apart from this, you can also Deploy your application on Linux operating system or with Docker. If you want to deploy with Docker, a sample Docker file is included in the mail you received in the first step. You can use the relevant Docker file.

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