

Yeni Özellikler

UI Design

  • The ability to add Content Menu to Table elements has been added to the platform.
  • Menu  elements can be used horizontally in mobile applications.
  • Pivot Table element has been added for reporting within the application.
  • Searchable feature has been added to search in Select Box and then save the information used for the search to the database.
  • Copy-paste feature has been added to the Authorization field for authorization operations.
  • Added feature to change the font of the Confirmation message.
  • It was enabled to add more than one Condition in Action and Visibility.
  • With the new Label feature added to the Checkbox element, the feature that allows you to check the value of the Box by clicking on the text has been added.
  • Hide Toolbar feature has been added to the MD Editor element.
  • Panel element in Android applications has been enabled to support Sometimes Enable Conditions.
  • Barcode Input element has been added to the platform, which can read barcodes without manual data entry with a physical barcode reader.
  • Added Row Index support to the Carousel element in Android apps, allowing to specify the order of each element. 


  • The feature that allows the query written in the With Data field in Offline Table to be tested has been added to the platform.
  • The Session Variables panel has been added so that some variables can be written and read until the SQL connection is opened and closed, and structures can be created that can only be accessed while the session is active without using SQL Actions.
  • MQTT is a lightweight communication protocol that provides fast and reliable message transmission between devices and applications. It is especially suitable for situations where IoT devices need efficient data transfer at low bandwidth. MQTT support has been added, enabling low latency connections with IoT devices and other data sources.

Process Automation

Configuration Manager

  • In Android applications using MSAL, a predefined Key Store Base64 information has been defined for the test process.

System Actions

  • Upload File action, which allows file uploading, started to be supported in mobile applications.
  • Open PDF and Print PDF actions started to be supported in mobile applications.
  • Encrypted Sign In action has been added to the platform to increase security during application login.
  • Properties that will allow you to customize the style of the Notify action in web applications have been added under the action.

Platform and Platform Interface

  • Project schema has been enabled to be opened in newly opened Workspaces.


UI Design

  • Display of selected values has been improved by adding Max Tag Count parameter to Multi Select element.
  • In the Bar Chart element, if a value is not defined in the MaxYAxis Value parameter, the largest value in the data set is automatically defined.
  • Improvement has been made to use Date Time OffSet type in projects where Date Time is used as the type in Report Inputs and Screen Inputs.
  • GUID type parameters can also be defined through the elements on the screen.
  • In order to improve the user experience in Android applications, Spinner has been displayed when pulling data from the server.
  • In mobile applications, the left and right Layout of the Master Screen has been turned off and its usage has been improved.
  • Guid Type Conversion and Is Guid Condition have been added so that GUID type parameters can be defined through the elements on the screen in mobile applications.
  • In Android applications, the Panel element and the elements in it were made compatible with the Haptic feature.
  • When Row is added to the Tab element, it is aligned.
  • Count option has been added to Footer Options parameter of Table element.


  • The size and functionality of the query writing field in the With Data field in Offline Table has been improved.
  • Timeout period in SQL connection has been updated to 120 seconds. 

Process Automation

  • Mail Interactions added in User Interaction can be deleted.
  • When the link in the e-mail received for the tasks is clicked, the user is directed to the relevant task after logging in to the application.

Email Builder

  • Changing the texts in templates created in different languages with ML Support has been enabled.

Configuration Manager

  • When the session expires in web applications, the session is terminated and the page is automatically refreshed.
  • A field to define Connection String separately for Process Automation has been added.
  • Added a switch to Configuration Manager that puts developer control over turning Haptic on or off in mobile apps.

System Actions

  • The size of the images in the files exported with the Export Excel action has been improved.

Platform and Platform Interface

  • The Academy interface, which opens modally in the platform interface, has been opened in a new tab.

Bug Fix

UI Design

  • In Bar Chart and Line Chart elements, the error showing the definition instead of the incoming value when the Show Data Label parameter is True has been fixed.
  • The problem encountered when the height value is given in the Text Area element has been solved.
  • When a form connected to the data table is created through the Form element, the problem encountered when a field is deleted from the form content has been fixed.
  • The error in updating the title of the Tab element has been fixed.
  • Fixed the issue that caused the markers of the Maps element to appear differently in mobile applications.
  • Fixed the bug that prevents the action defined in the Options field of the Menu element in mobile applications from being deleted.
  • The problem that the Switch component in the form does not appear in the boolean parameter defined in the Save Record action has been solved.
  • Fixed the issue preventing access to Int and Decimal fields in Progress Circle and Progress Bar elements.
  • Fixed the bug that prevented Progress Bar and Progress Circle elements from showing the correct value in the Action Result field in Android applications.
  • Zoom Onclick feature of Image element was enabled to work in Android and iOS applications.
  • The slipping problem when using the Speed feature in the Horizontal Grid element has been fixed.
  • The problem with editing the Value parameter of the Select Box element in iOS applications has been solved.
  • The error preventing the editing of the Value parameter of the Auto Complete element has been fixed.
  • The problem with data linked to Nested tables in Android applications has been solved. 


  • Fixed issue affecting data binding operations when an UpperCase Prop is defined in C#.

Scheduler Jobs

System Actions

  • The problem encountered in the operation of the Notify action in mobile applications has been solved.
  • Fixed the bug that prevented the Export Excel action from working in mobile applications.
  • The issue preventing access to the Value parameter in Export Excel, Get Excel Base64 and Sub Array actions has been resolved. 

Platform and Platform Interface

Fixed a bug that prevented the Schema name from appearing when editing an application in a Multi Schema supported Workspace.