System Actions
String Operations Action

Sub Array

Sub Array

Kuika's Sub Array action is used to create a specific subset of an array. With the Sub Array action, you can select sub-arrays from an array based on a specific start and end index and perform operations on these sub-arrays.

With this action:

  • Simplifies data management by selecting a specific part of an array.
  • Helps to divide large data sets into smaller and more manageable subsets.
  • Provides a flexible solution for dynamic data processing requirements.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to effectively create subsets from arrays using the Sub Array action.

Sub Array action is supported in web and mobile apps.

Add Sub Array Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform.
  2. Open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  3. While in the UI Design module, open the Properties panel on the right side.
  1. Select Initial Actions → String Operations → Sub Array from the +ADD ACTION drop-down menu.
  2. In the settings panel that opens, configure the following fields:
  • Value: Specifies the main array to operate on. Defines the array to create a subarray.
  • Starting Index: Specifies the position where the subarray will start. Arrays have an indexing system starting from zero (0).
  • Count: Specifies the number of items to include in the subarray. Allows you to control the length of the subarray.

After completing these steps, the Sub Array action will be successfully added. Thus, you can create subsets of arrays in your application and make data management more efficient.

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