Example of role-based authorization

In this learning content, we will do the authorization application together according to the roles we created in the previous content.

In order to ensure that only administrators can add and edit personnel within the scope of the personnel management application, it will be necessary to carry out some operations on the List screen and Left Menu screen that provides redirection to the new personnel screen.

In this learning content, we will do the authorization application together according to the roles we created in the previous content.

In order to ensure that only administrators can add and edit personnel within the scope of the personnel management application, it will be necessary to carry out some operations on the List screen and Left Menu screen that provides redirection to the new personnel screen.

We will also need to define the action that will provide role assignment to the personnel created on the new personnel screen.

  1. First, open the list screen.
  2. Select the New Add button on the list screen.
  3. Open the Authorization field through the Properties panel.
  4. In the role list, select Manager from the roles we created in the previous learning content.
  5. Check that the Hide switch under the When Not Authorized heading is on.
  6. Now open the Left menu screen.
  7. Select the Row with the menu item that redirects to the New Employee screen.
  8. Open the Authorization field through the Properties panel.
  9. Disable the switch opposite the All Roles Access heading.
  10. Select Manager from the roles listed.
  11. Check that the Hide switch under the When Not Authorized heading is on.
  12. When adding new employees, open the New Employee screen to define the Employee role for employees.
  13. Select the Save button on the screen.
  14. In the previous content, we defined the special action that allows adding employees under the Save button. Now let's add a new action under the Save button.
  15. Add the SaveUser action in the Authorization action category by clicking the Add Action button.
  16. Define the parameters under the SaveUser action.
  17. To define the UserName parameter, open the Components category via SymbolPicker and select the Email element.
  18. Click Symbol Picker to define the FirstName parameter. Open the Components category and select the TextInput that provides FullName input.
  19. Since we keep the first and last name information together as Fullname in the application we are developing, select Empty under the Default category via Symbol Picker to define the Lastname parameter.
  20. To define the roleNames parameter, click Symbol Picker and select Employee via Role List.
  21. Select the start screen as Dashboard via startingScreenID.
  22. Finally, to define the phoneNumber parameter, open the Components category via SymbolPicker and select the Number Input element for phone number input.
  23. Move the SaveUser action up.

Thus, we have completed an authorization work together.

In this learning content, we will do the authorization application together according to the roles we created in the previous content.

In order to ensure that only administrators can add and edit personnel within the scope of the personnel management application, it will be necessary to carry out some operations on the List screen and Left Menu screen that provides redirection to the new personnel screen.

In this learning content, we will do the authorization application together according to the roles we created in the previous content.

In order to ensure that only administrators can add and edit personnel within the scope of the personnel management application, it will be necessary to carry out some operations on the List screen and Left Menu screen that provides redirection to the new personnel screen.

We will also need to define the action that will provide role assignment to the personnel created on the new personnel screen.

  1. First, open the list screen.
  2. Select the New Add button on the list screen.
  3. Open the Authorization field through the Properties panel.
  4. In the role list, select Manager from the roles we created in the previous learning content.
  5. Check that the Hide switch under the When Not Authorized heading is on.
  6. Now open the Left menu screen.
  7. Select the Row with the menu item that redirects to the New Employee screen.
  8. Open the Authorization field through the Properties panel.
  9. Disable the switch opposite the All Roles Access heading.
  10. Select Manager from the roles listed.
  11. Check that the Hide switch under the When Not Authorized heading is on.
  12. When adding new employees, open the New Employee screen to define the Employee role for employees.
  13. Select the Save button on the screen.
  14. In the previous content, we defined the special action that allows adding employees under the Save button. Now let's add a new action under the Save button.
  15. Add the SaveUser action in the Authorization action category by clicking the Add Action button.
  16. Define the parameters under the SaveUser action.
  17. To define the UserName parameter, open the Components category via SymbolPicker and select the Email element.
  18. Click Symbol Picker to define the FirstName parameter. Open the Components category and select the TextInput that provides FullName input.
  19. Since we keep the first and last name information together as Fullname in the application we are developing, select Empty under the Default category via Symbol Picker to define the Lastname parameter.
  20. To define the roleNames parameter, click Symbol Picker and select Employee via Role List.
  21. Select the start screen as Dashboard via startingScreenID.
  22. Finally, to define the phoneNumber parameter, open the Components category via SymbolPicker and select the Number Input element for phone number input.
  23. Move the SaveUser action up.

Thus, we have completed an authorization work together.

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